This sub-forum is only for help or discussion regarding projects created by Team Ulysses. If you are requesting help, please search the forums FIRST to make sure your question has not already been answered. If you still need help, fill in the following information.
My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v.. ULib v2.60w
ULX v.. ULX v3.70w
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: Darkrp
Lua errors shown in console, if any: Nope
(the admins of my server relly want this fixed)
<insert errors here>
I need help some reason first it was me that could not pick up cars now its all ranks idk why but i know this has something to do with ulx cause yesterday the owner rank worked with picking up cars now it doesn't i think this is something with perms but even with all perms and with super admin inheritance... ive seen another post with this but they dident relly answer my problem