ULib v2.60d
ULX v3.70d
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: DarkRP
Basically I have all my ranks setup correctly (also in fadmin), it was working fine for months until I upgraded to this version from an unknown version, anyway.
So the deal is like this:
All ranks inherit from each other, including the last 3 donator ranks "ambassador, ultradonator, donator" which end up inheriting in the end "donator" from "user".
The problem is something glitched in the ULX/ULIB system which allows mostly ultradonator and ambassador to move props like an Admin. I've tried switching them up a bit and had little to no success and even tried setting it to not be able to target anything above users. My temporary fix to this was to make trialmoderator (first admin rank) inherit from ambassador meanwhile donator and ultradonator float alone in the list inheriting from user. This managed to fix my issue completely but the problem remains with an ugly and unorganized system. How do I fix this?
Also if I make ambassador also inherit from user and let it be an orphan, all 3 ranks can move props like an admin again.
I'll include my ranks file so you guys can test this for yourselves and tell me how to approach this. Thank you and sorry it may be too confusing

The list looks something like this now, I even tweaked fadmin a bit with the immunity numbers, I made them the same as user and made mods 15 points (regular is 10) so all donator ranks are the same level as user in fadmin.
maybe 10 more ranks... not important
The issue however remains in ULX I believe, thanks to everyone that will look in to this