Alright, I have been coding and suddenly when I add ULX and ULib, it responds and says that XGUI is offline. Huge problem as this stops lots of access a admin needs. In my server console I get this message...
[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/end.lua:57: attempt to index a string value with bad key ('red' is not part of the string library)
1. error - [C]:-1
2. __index - lua/includes/extensions/string.lua:310
3. fn - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/end.lua:57
4. fn - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/end.lua:139
5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110
Please help, as i do not know why red is invalid but on that line, and can work.
local color = Color( tonumber( ) or ULib.DEFAULT_TSAY_COLOR.r, tonumber( ) or ULib.DEFAULT_TSAY_COLOR.g, tonumber( ) or ULib.DEFAULT_TSAY_COLOR.b )
Whats wrong?