
I have Weapon Selection Menu for TTT off the website called ScriptFodder so it has the default guns such as the scout, deagle and uzi - we also have customs guns such as the mp5, aug and famas - they all work fine from spawning in game to showing in the w

How do I remove those guns out of the weapon select menu properly?
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How to I ensure every gun added in my server spawns and shows up inside weapon select?
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Author Topic: Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.  (Read 3645 times)

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Offline Southpaw

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Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.
« on: May 19, 2016, 05:11:29 PM »
I have Weapon Selection Menu for TTT off the website called ScriptFodder so it has the default guns such as the scout, deagle and uzi - we also have customs guns such as the mp5, aug and famas - they all work fine from spawning in game to showing in the weapon select menu. But for some reason the USP which is a handgun under the pistol category and the MP7 which is a SMG under the Primary category still show up in the wep select menu and spawn around the map even though they have been removed from the code (as seen below) so this makes no sense, I'm clearly missing something obvious. Any help is appreciated.

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2 60
ULX v3 70

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: TTT

Lua errors shown in console, if any:
--Primary weapons
--Restrict specific weapons to groups by editing the {}, same as below
   { weapon_ttt_m16 = {},
                weapon_zm_mac10 = {},
                weapon_zm_sledge = {},      
                weapon_ttt_mp5 = {},               
                weapon_zm_rifle = {},
      weapon_zm_shotgun = {},
      weapon_ttt_aug = {},
      weapon_ttt_famas = {},
      weapon_ttt_g3 = {},
      weapon_ttt_galil = {},
      weapon_ttt_pump = {},
      weapon_ttt_sg552 = {},
      weapon_ttt_smg = {} }
--Who can select to spawn with a primary? (default: { "vip", "donator", "admin", "superadmin", "owner" })
WEAPONSELECTION_PRIMARIES_GROUPS = { "vip", "donator", "admin", "superadmin", "owner" }

--Should the primary weapon group be two rows tall? (default: false)
--Secondary weapons
    { weapon_zm_pistol = {},
                weapon_ttt_glock = {},
      weapon_ttt_p228 = {},
      weapon_ttt_pistol = {} }

--Who can select to spawn with a secondary? (default: {} meaning anyone!)
WEAPONSELECTION_SECONDARIES_GROUPS = { "vip", "donator", "admin", "superadmin", "owner" }

   { weapon_ttt_confgrenade = {},
      weapon_ttt_smokegrenade = {},
      weapon_zm_molotov = {} }
--Who can select to spawn with a grenade? (default: { "vip", "donator", "admin", "superadmin", "owner" })
WEAPONSELECTION_GRENADES_GROUPS = { "vip", "donator", "admin", "superadmin", "owner" }

Offline Southpaw

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Re: Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 05:14:03 PM »
p.s I didn't mean to make a poll I thought it was compulsory, new to this kind of forum sh*t.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 07:54:05 PM »
Not sure if I am understanding this correctly. But from what I am guessing is that you downloaded a select menu, to remove a weapon from TTT you would have to do other things. (Not sure if TTT has a dedicated blacklist for weapons)

But there is a TTT weapon placer addon that you can use and it will probably have the settings you need. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119928922

Also this may be relevant...

Quote from: NiandraLades ( https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1302250&p=41983630&viewfull=1#post41983630 )
Removing weapons from the traitor/detective menu is easy. Simply go to

GarrysMod\garrysmod\gamemodes\terrortown\entities\ weapons

And inside there, you'll find a ton of folders named weapon_ttt_SOMETHING. Delete the folder of whatever weapon you want gone. Just understand that if you're deleting/editing base TTT files, so the knife or m16 or anything that's in-game by default and not custom, will be set back to default when TTT updates (and possibly Gmod as well, I can't actually remember). So back up a copy of your edits so you're not redoing it every update!

If you want to add custom weaponry into the game, download the ttt weapon placer from the Workshop, and then choose 'add random weapon'. If your sweps have 'SWEP.Spawnable = true', then they will appear.

Now, some maps already have pre-existing weapons placed on them, hence why you don't need to rearm certain maps. I think you have two choices here. You can either download entspy, open up the map and replace all the pre-existing stuff, with your custom weapons, but keep in mind this program doesn't have copy/paste features, so it's a little tedious. Or, you could once again use the weapon placer, which has a button in it's menu to clear all pre-existing weapons or something, doesn't it? You can do that and then go rearming all your maps and have everything where you want it to be.

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Offline iViscosity

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Re: Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2016, 02:17:13 PM »
If I recall correctly, and I could be wrong, there is something in the TTT files that controls weapon spawns. So even if you take it out of that script, it might still spawn.

Not sure if I am understanding this correctly. But from what I am guessing is that you downloaded a select menu, to remove a weapon from TTT you would have to do other things. (Not sure if TTT has a dedicated blacklist for weapons)

But there is a TTT weapon placer addon that you can use and it will probably have the settings you need. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119928922

Also this may be relevant...


And in his case, like I was saying before I read this post XD, he can just change SWEPSpawnable to = false, and it should be good. You know, instead of deleting it.
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Weapon Select Menu Issues. Please help.
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2016, 06:23:32 PM »
If I recall correctly, and I could be wrong, there is something in the TTT files that controls weapon spawns. So even if you take it out of that script, it might still spawn.

And in his case, like I was saying before I read this post XD, he can just change SWEPSpawnable to = false, and it should be good. You know, instead of deleting it.

Yeah, that's why I quoted that facepunch post that mentions it. I feel like he would want to delete them (with the workshop tool and setup custom spawns) though as he wants to have spawns for his own custom weapons etc.

Plus if he does delete them, and replace them using the workshop tool he wouldn't have to keep editing/deleting the files every time Garrysmod updates.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 06:26:02 PM by LuaTenshi »
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