Author Topic: Superadmin can't manage ULX Groups?  (Read 2099 times)

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Superadmin can't manage ULX Groups?
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:17:52 PM »
For some reason when i try to become superadmin it says "Command "ulx adduser", argument #2: invalid group "superadmin" specified"

The Superadmin Rank excists in FAdmin but not in ULX? I even tried making the Superadmin rank again by typing (ulx addgroup superadmin admin) Still nothing, It seems like the whole superadmin rank is gone and when i reinstall nothing changes and nothing gets fixed atall just same thing as before.

I need help as soon as possible ): I'm in a hurry with getting the server up and running again.

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Re: Superadmin can't manage ULX Groups?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 07:13:26 PM »
Fadmin is known to conflict with ULX at times depending on setup.
If your running "ulx adduser player_name group_name" from server console and it's not working, something broke your groups, perhaps yes, Fadmin.
Make sure you're re-installing properly.,5765.0.html

Simply deleting and re-installing the addons folders won't do a bit of good, if it's truly an ULX issue.
You'd need to start fresh with the FAQ mentioned data folders too.
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