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Offline OMFG Uhnonymous

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Pointshop and ULX
« on: June 21, 2016, 03:10:23 PM »

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v..2.61
ULX v..2.7

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on:TTT

The problem is that the admin menu for pointshop is only showing when im admin or superadmin WHEN I JOIN THE SERVER.
Yes its kinda more of a pointshop issue but I thought It may just have to do with the ranks. When i join the server as my rank, that bring owner I dont have the option for the admin menu. When I change to admin and or superadmin I still dont have the option for admin menu(again this is the pointshop admin menu)
However when I join the server already an admin or a superadmin then I can open the admin menu for pointshop. Also when I change my rank to admin/superadmin-Any other rank that is higher the admin menu still stays open.

Now one thing to note none of my ranks are inherited by admin or superadmin
My ranks go like this user>member>mod>Admin1>SeniorAdmin>Manager>Owner, So none of my ranks are inheriting rights from admin and superadmin.

Offline roastchicken

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Re: Pointshop and ULX
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 04:52:04 PM »
What pointshop are you using? Pointshop 1 (by Adam Burton, aka _Undefined, this is a free version)? Pointshop 2 (by Kamshak, this is a paid version)?

As far as I know neither, pointshop restricts viewing by rank (at least not by default). If you have a custom one however, then it's quite possible that it does this by default. As for why it's allowing you in admin and superadmin, but not owner, it's because owner is not a default Garry's Mod rank. Vanilla GMod only has three ranks, user, admin, and superadmin. As such, most scripts that restrict access based on rank will use these three ranks. If your owner rank doesn't inherit from admin or superadmin, the script has no way of knowing you should have access.

To put it simply, you're doing it wrong. Sorry to break it to you, but Garry's Mod is not built for advanced inheritance systems. All your groups (just another word for rank) should be in your inheritance chain, and you should try to follow Garry's Mod's "conventions" as much as you can. That means that superadmin should be the highest rank on your server. I'm not sure why you wish to have SeniorAdmin, Manager, and Owner. If it's because of the naming, you shouldn't be using the groups as tags.

To fix your issue, make sure you inherit from admin or superadmin.
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Re: Pointshop and ULX
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 08:10:32 PM »
none of my ranks are inheriting rights from admin and superadmin.

What roastchicken says.
Every script that goes looking for standard gmod group to do administrative things will expect a group to be, or in ULib's case, to inherit, admin or superadmin.

This is not a ULX or ULib issue.
You could uninstall ULib and ULX and have the exact same problem.
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