A few things:
1. You should not be messing around in addons/ulx. If you want to modify or extend ULX, please do so in your own addon folder that mimics the folder structure of the ulx addon. For example, if you want to put the file in
garrysmod/addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh, instead put it in
2. This script is quite old (2+ years), so it's quite possible that TTT or Garry's Mod was changed in a way that conflicts with the script.
A couple of things you can do to troubleshoot:
- Put a 'print' or 'MsgN' call at the top of the lua file you're trying to load. This is to make sure it's actually being loaded: if you see something printed in console, it works. If not, you need to figure out why it's not loading before proceeding.
- After you have determined that it is indeed loading, look for any console errors.