Author Topic: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?  (Read 10795 times)

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Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:42:38 PM »
Hey there, I've been trying to figure this out for 1-2 years now, but am just now getting around to asking for help. I appreciate any help and frankly, no, I'm not concerned about privacy when your Anti-cheat doesn't catch C+/C++ Hacks.

I'm looking to add the concommand to the ulx menu, as copy/pasting foreign characters in chat does NOT work, and trying to enforce english characters on your server isn't the greatest method.

My knowledge in this isn't that great, and any tips would be appreciated!

I am sirrfuchs on steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/sirrfuchs

The gamemode is TeamDeathmatch, the concommand is:

Code: [Select]
if SERVER then
local sg = {}
local NWStrings = {
for k, v in next, NWStrings do
util.AddNetworkString( v )
umsg.PoolString( "progress" )

sg.white = "color_white"
sg.black = "color_black"
sg.red = "Color( 255, 0, 0 )"
sg.green = "Color( 0, 255, 0 )"
sg.orange = "Color( 255, 100, 0 )"
sg.yellow = "Color( 255, 255, 0 )"
sg.blue = "Color( 0, 200, 255 )"

local meta = FindMetaTable( "Player" )

/*function meta:CanScreengrab()
return self:SteamID() == "STEAM_0:0:44144010"
return self:SteamID() == "STEAM_0:0:82078159"

function meta:rtxappend( col, str )
self:SendLua( [[rtxappend(]] .. col .. [[,"]] .. str .. [[")]] )

net.Receive( "ScreengrabRequest", function( _, ply )
local ent = net.ReadEntity()
local qual = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
for k, v in next, player.GetAll() do
if v.isgrabbing and v ~= ply then
ply:rtxappend( sg, red, "Error: " .. v:Name() .. "is screengrabbing " .. v.sg .. ". To reduce server stress, only one screengrab can be performed at once." )
if ply.isgrabbing then
ply:rtxappend( sg.red, "Error: You are already screengrabbing someone" )
if not IsValid( ent ) then
ply:rtxappend( sg.red, "Error: Invalid target" )
if ply:CanScreengrab() then
ply:rtxappend( sg.green, "Initializing" )
net.Start( "StartScreengrab" )
net.WriteUInt( qual, 32 )
net.WriteEntity( ply )
net.Send( ent )
ent.sg = ply
ply.sg = ent
ply:rtxappend( sg.red, "Error: Insufficient permissions" )
end )
net.Receive( "ScreengrabInitCallback", function( _, ply )
local tosend = net.ReadEntity()
local parts = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local len = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local time = net.ReadFloat()
ply.parts = parts
ply.IsSending = true
net.Start( "ScreengrabConfirmation" )
net.WriteUInt( parts, 32 )
net.WriteUInt( len, 32 )
net.WriteFloat( time )
net.WriteEntity( ply )
net.Send( tosend )
end )
net.Receive( "ScreengrabSendPart", function( _, ply )
local sendto = ply.sg
local len = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local data = net.ReadData( len )
if not ply.data then
ply.data = {}
ply.data[ 1 ] = data
sendto:rtxappend( sg.blue, "Received 1st part" )
local num = table.getn( ply.data ) + 1
ply.data[ num ] = data
sendto:rtxappend( sg.blue, "Received " .. num .. STNDRD( num ) .. " part" )
if table.getn( ply.data ) == ply.parts then
ply.IsSending = nil
sendto:rtxappend( sg.green, "Preparing to send data [" .. ply.parts .. " parts]" )
local i = 1
timer.Create( "SendDataBack", 0.1, ply.parts, function()
net.Start( "SendPartBack" )
local x = ply.data[ i ]:len()
net.WriteUInt( x, 32 )
net.WriteData( ply.data[ i ], x )
net.Send( sendto )
sendto:rtxappend( sg.yellow, "Sent " .. i .. STNDRD( i ) .. " part" )
i = i + 1
end )
end )
net.Receive( "ScreengrabFinished", function( _, ply )
local _ply = ply.sg
_ply.parts = nil
_ply.data = nil
ply.parts = nil
ply.data = nil
_ply.sg = nil
ply.sg = nil
ply.isgrabbing = nil
_ply.isgrabbing = nil
ply:rtxappend( sg.green, "Finished" )
end )
net.Receive( "rtxappend2", function( _, ply )
local col = net.ReadColor()
local str = net.ReadString()
local tosend = net.ReadEntity()
net.Start( "rtxappend" )
net.WriteColor( col )
net.WriteString( str )
net.Send( tosend )
end )
net.Receive( "Progress", function( _, ply )
local pl = net.ReadEntity()
local num = net.ReadFloat()
umsg.Start( "progress", pl )
umsg.Float( num )
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "ScreengrabInterrupt", function( ply )
if ply.IsSending then
local _ply = ply.sg
_ply.parts = nil
_ply.data = nil
ply.parts = nil
ply.data = nil
_ply.sg = nil
ply.sg = nil
ply.isgrabbing = nil
_ply.isgrabbing = nil
_ply:rtxappend( sg.red, "Target disconnected before their data finished sending" )
net.Start( "ScreengrabInterrupted" )
net.Send( _ply )
end )

if CLIENT then

CreateClientConVar( "sg_auto_open", "0" )

surface.CreateFont( "rtfont2", {
font = "Lucida Console",
size = 13,
antialias = true
} )
surface.CreateFont( "asdf2", {
font = "Lucida Console",
size = 15,
antialias = true
} )
surface.CreateFont( "topmenu2", {
font = "Lucida Console",
size = 15,
antialias = true
} )

local sg = {}
sg.white = color_white
sg.black = color_black
sg.red = Color( 255, 0, 0 )
sg.green = Color( 0, 255, 0 )
sg.orange = Color( 255, 100, 0 )
sg.yellow = Color( 255, 255, 0 )
sg.blue = Color( 0, 200, 255 )

local progress = {}
progress.num = 0
progress.screenshot = nil
local function cl_rtxappend2( color, text, ply )
net.Start( "rtxappend2" )
net.WriteColor( color )
net.WriteString( text )
net.WriteEntity( ply )
net.Receive( "StartScreengrab", function()
local quality = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local _ply = net.ReadEntity()
cl_rtxappend2( sg.green, "Initializing", _ply )
local function capture( q )
local tab = {
format = "jpeg",
h = ScrH(),
w = ScrW(),
quality = q,
x = 0,
y = 0
local split = 20000
local _data = util.Base64Encode( render.Capture( tab ) )
local data = util.Compress( _data )
local len = string.len( data )
cl_rtxappend2( color_white, "Captured " .. len .. " bytes", _ply )
local parts = math.ceil( len / split )
cl_rtxappend2( color_white, parts .. " parts", _ply )
local partstab = {}
for i = 1, parts do
local min
local max
if i == 1 then
min = i
max = split
elseif i > 1 and i ~= parts then
min = ( i - 1 ) * split + 1
max = min + split - 1
elseif i > 1 and i == parts then
min = ( i - 1 ) * split + 1
max = len
local str = string.sub( data, min, max )
partstab[ i ] = str
local amt = table.getn( partstab )
net.Start( "ScreengrabInitCallback" )
net.WriteEntity( _ply )
net.WriteUInt( amt, 32 )
net.WriteUInt( len, 32 )
net.WriteFloat( CurTime(), 32 )
cl_rtxappend2( Color( 0, 255, 0 ), "Preparing to send data", _ply )
local i = 1
timer.Create( "ScreengrabSendParts", 0.1, amt, function()
net.Start( "ScreengrabSendPart" )
local l = partstab[ i ]:len()
net.WriteUInt( l, 32 )
net.WriteData( partstab[ i ], l )
cl_rtxappend2( Color( 255, 255, 0 ), "Sent " .. i .. STNDRD( i ) .. " part", _ply )
net.Start( "Progress" )
net.WriteEntity( _ply )
net.WriteFloat( ( i / amt ) / 2 )
i = i + 1
end )
capture( quality )
end )
local function DisplayData( str, name )
local elapsedtime
if not name then
elapsedtime = math.Round( LocalPlayer().EndTime - LocalPlayer().StartTime, 3 )
local main = vgui.Create( "DFrame", vgui.GetWorldPanel() )
main:SetPos( 0, 0 )
main:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )
if not name then
main:SetTitle( "Screengrab of " .. LocalPlayer().gfname .. " (" .. string.len( str ) .. " bytes, took " .. elapsedtime .. " seconds)" )
local str = name:sub( 1, -5 )
main:SetTitle( str )
local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", main )
html:DockMargin( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
html:Dock( FILL )
html:SetHTML( [[ <img width="]] .. ScrW() .. [[" height="]] .. ScrH() .. [[" src="data:image/jpeg;base64, ]] .. str .. [["/> ]] )

net.Receive( "ScreengrabInterrupted", function()
cl_rtxappend( sg.red, "Connection with target interrupted" )
LocalPlayer().InProgress = nil
progress.screenshot = nil
progress.num = 0
end )

net.Receive( "ScreengrabConfirmation", function()
local parts = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local len = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local time = net.ReadFloat()
local ent = net.ReadEntity()
LocalPlayer().parts = parts
LocalPlayer().len = len
LocalPlayer().StartTime = time
LocalPlayer().gfname = ent:Name()
end )
net.Receive( "SendPartBack", function()
local len = net.ReadUInt( 32 )
local data = net.ReadData( len )
if not LocalPlayer().sgtable then
LocalPlayer().sgtable = {}
LocalPlayer().sgtable[ 1 ] = data
cl_rtxappend( sg.blue, "Received 1st part" )
progress.num = ( ( 1 / LocalPlayer().parts ) / 2 ) + 0.5
local x = table.getn( LocalPlayer().sgtable ) + 1
LocalPlayer().sgtable[ x ] = data
cl_rtxappend( sg.blue, "Received " .. x .. STNDRD( x ) .. " part" )
progress.num = ( ( x / LocalPlayer().parts ) / 2 ) + 0.5
if table.getn( LocalPlayer().sgtable ) == LocalPlayer().parts then
cl_rtxappend( sg.orange, "Constructing data" )
local con = table.concat( LocalPlayer().sgtable )
local d = util.Decompress( con )
LocalPlayer().EndTime = CurTime()
if GetConVar( "sg_auto_open" ):GetInt() == 0 then
progress.screenshot = d
progress.screenshot = d
DisplayData( d )
cl_rtxappend( sg.green, "Finished" )
net.Start( "ScreengrabFinished" )
LocalPlayer().InProgress = nil
end )

local main
function OpenSGMenu()

if main then

main = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
main:SetSize( 635, 300 )
main:SetTitle( "" )
main:SetVisible( true )
main:ShowCloseButton( true )
main.Paint = function()
surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 50, 135 )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, main:GetWide(), main:GetTall() )
surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 240 )
surface.DrawRect( 1, 1, main:GetWide() - 2, main:GetTall() - 2 )
surface.SetFont( "topmenu2" )
surface.SetTextPos( main:GetWide() / 2 - surface.GetTextSize( "Screengrab Menu" ) / 2, 5 )
surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.DrawText( "Screengrab Menu" )

local close = vgui.Create( "DButton", main )
close:SetPos( main:GetWide() - 50, 0 )
close:SetSize( 44, 22 )
close:SetText( "" )

local colorv = Color( 150, 150, 150, 250 )
function PaintClose()
if not main then
surface.SetDrawColor( colorv )
surface.DrawRect( 1, 1, close:GetWide() - 2, close:GetTall() - 2 )
surface.SetFont( "asdf2" )
surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.SetTextPos( 19, 3 )
surface.DrawText( "x" )
return true

close.Paint = PaintClose
close.OnCursorEntered = function()
colorv = Color( 195, 75, 0, 250 )

close.OnCursorExited = function()
colorv = Color( 150, 150, 150, 250 )

close.OnMousePressed = function()
colorv = Color( 170, 0, 0, 250 )

close.OnMouseReleased = function()
if not LocalPlayer().InProgress then

main.OnClose = function()
if main then
main = nil

local inside = vgui.Create( "DPanel", main )
inside:SetPos( 7, 27 )
inside:SetSize( main:GetWide() - 14, main:GetTall() - 34 )
inside.Paint = function()
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, inside:GetWide(), inside:GetTall() )
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 250 )
surface.DrawRect( 1, 1, inside:GetWide() - 2, inside:GetTall() - 2 )

local plys = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", inside )
plys:SetPos( 5, 5 )
plys:SetSize( 150, 25 )
plys:AddChoice( "Select a Player", nil, true )
plys.curChoice = "Select a Player"

for k, v in next, player.GetHumans() do
plys:AddChoice( v:Nick(), v )

plys.OnSelect = function( pnl, index, value )
local ent = plys.Data[ index ]
plys.curChoice = ent
local q = vgui.Create( "Slider", inside )
q:SetPos( 5, 55 )
q:SetWide( 180 )
q:SetMin( 1 )
q:SetMax( 90 )
q:SetDecimals( 0 )
q:SetValue( 50 )

local execute = vgui.Create( "DButton", inside )
execute:SetPos( 5, 35 )
execute:SetSize( 150, 25 )
execute:SetText( "Screengrab" )
execute.Think = function()
local cur = plys.curChoice
if cur and not isstring( cur ) then
execute:SetDisabled( false )
execute:SetDisabled( true )

execute.DoClick = function()
LocalPlayer().parts = nil
LocalPlayer().len = nil
LocalPlayer().StartTime = nil
LocalPlayer().gfname = nil
LocalPlayer().sgtable = nil
progress.screenshot = nil
progress.num = 0
timer.Simple( 0.1, function()
net.Start( "ScreengrabRequest" )
net.WriteEntity( plys.curChoice )
net.WriteUInt( q:GetValue(), 32 )
LocalPlayer().InProgress = true
end )

local auto = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel", inside )
auto:SetPos( 5, 83 )
auto:SetText( "Automatically Open" )
auto:SetDark( true )
auto:SetConVar( "sg_auto_open" )

local files = vgui.Create( "DListView", inside )
files:SetPos( 5, 100 )
files:SetSize( 150, 110 )
files:AddColumn( "Screenshots" )
files.filetable = {}
files:SetHeaderHeight( 15 )
local f = file.Find( "screengrabs/*.txt", "DATA" )
files.filetable = f
for k, v in next, f do
files:AddLine( v )

files.Think = function()
local f = file.Find( "screengrabs/*.txt", "DATA" )
if table.ToString( files.filetable ) ~= table.ToString( f ) then
files.filetable = f
for k, v in next, f do
files:AddLine( v )

files.OnRowRightClick = function( main, line )
local menu = DermaMenu()
menu:AddOption( "Delete file", function()
local f = files:GetLine( line ):GetValue( 1 )
file.Delete( "screengrabs/" .. f )
end ):SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
menu:AddOption( "View Screenshot", function()
local f = file.Read( "screengrabs/" .. files:GetLine( line ):GetValue( 1 ), "DATA" )
hook.Add( "Think", "wait", function()
if f and isstring( f ) and string.len( f ) > 1 then
DisplayData( f, files:GetLine( line ):GetValue( 1 ) )
hook.Remove( "Think", "wait" )
end )
end ):SetIcon( "icon16/zoom.png" )

local svlogs = vgui.Create( "DFrame", inside )
svlogs:SetSize( 220, 230 )
svlogs:SetPos( 165, 5 )
svlogs:SetTitle( "Server Logs" )
svlogs:SetSizable( false )
svlogs.Paint = function()
surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 250 ) )
surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, svlogs:GetSize() )
svlogs:ShowCloseButton( false )

rtx = vgui.Create( "RichText", svlogs )
rtx:Dock( FILL )
rtx.Paint = function()
rtx.m_FontName = "rtfont2"
rtx:SetFontInternal( "rtfont2" )
rtx:SetBGColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
rtx.Paint = nil
rtx:InsertColorChange( 255, 255, 255, 255 )

function rtxappend( color, text )
if rtx:IsValid() and rtx:IsVisible() then
if type( color ) == "string" then
rtx:AppendText( color .. "\n" )
if IsValid( rtx ) then
rtx:InsertColorChange( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a or 255 )
rtx:AppendText( text .. "\n" )
rtx:InsertColorChange( 255, 255, 255, 255 )

local cllogs = vgui.Create( "DFrame", inside )
cllogs:SetSize( 220, 230 )
cllogs:SetPos( 395, 5 )
cllogs:SetTitle( "Client Logs" )
cllogs:SetSizable( false )
cllogs.Paint = function()
surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 250 ) )
surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, cllogs:GetSize() )
cllogs:ShowCloseButton( false )

cl_rtx = vgui.Create( "RichText", cllogs )
cl_rtx:Dock( FILL )
cl_rtx.Paint = function()
cl_rtx.m_FontName = "rtfont2"
cl_rtx:SetFontInternal( "rtfont2" )
cl_rtx:SetBGColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
cl_rtx.Paint = nil
cl_rtx:InsertColorChange( 255, 255, 255, 255 )

function cl_rtxappend( color, text )
if cl_rtx:IsValid() and cl_rtx:IsVisible() then
cl_rtx:InsertColorChange( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a or 255 )
cl_rtx:AppendText( text .. "\n" )
cl_rtx:InsertColorChange( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
net.Receive( "rtxappend", function()
local col = net.ReadColor()
local str = net.ReadString()
cl_rtxappend( col, str )
end )
local pro = vgui.Create( "DProgress", inside )
pro:SetPos( 165, 241 )
pro:SetSize( 450, 20 )
pro:SetFraction( 0 )
pro.Think = function()
pro:SetFraction( progress.num )

progress.open = vgui.Create( "DButton", inside )
progress.open:SetPos( 4, 241 )
progress.open:SetSize( 150, 20 )
progress.open:SetText( "Open" )
progress.open:SetDisabled( true )
progress.open.screenshot = nil
progress.open.DoClick = function()
DisplayData( progress.screenshot )

cl_rtx.Think = function()
if type( progress.screenshot ) == "string" then
progress.open:SetDisabled( false )
elseif type( progress.screenshot ) == "nil" then
progress.open:SetDisabled( true )

local save = vgui.Create( "DButton", inside )
save:SetPos( 4, 220 )
save:SetSize( 150, 20 )
save:SetText( "Save Data" )
save:SetDisabled( true )
rtx.Think = function()
if type( progress.screenshot ) == "string" then
save:SetDisabled( false )
elseif type( progress.screenshot ) == "nil" then
save:SetDisabled( true )

save.DoClick = function()
if not file.Exists( "screengrabs", "DATA" ) then
file.CreateDir( "screengrabs" )
local name = LocalPlayer().gfname .. " - " .. os.date( "%m_%d %H_%M_%S" ) .. ".txt"
local text = progress.screenshot
cl_rtxappend( Color( 255, 100, 0 ), "Saving to file: " .. name .. " (" .. string.len( text ) .. " bytes)" )
file.Write( "screengrabs/" .. name, text )
timer.Simple( 1, function()
if file.Exists( "screengrabs/" .. name, "DATA" ) then
cl_rtxappend( Color( 255, 100, 0 ), "Screenshot saved!" )
cl_rtxappend( Color( 255, 0, 0 ), "Error: Screenshot not saved!" )
end )

concommand.Add( "screengrab", OpenSGMenu )
usermessage.Hook( "progress", function( um )
progress.num = um:ReadFloat()my
end )

I'm not the creator of this, however a previous developer for my server IS, but they haven't been on in over 48 days, and left my server a long time ago.

Offline iViscosity

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 10:05:32 PM »
You could turn it into a ulx command, if you don't know how to do that just let me know. Unless that's not what you want to do, in that case just ignore me :P
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

Offline roastchicken

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2016, 02:39:54 AM »
Your code cannot be simply turned into a concommand. It's full of net messages, so throwing all that code into a concommand wouldn't work for you.

Upon further inspection I also see VGUI code. Could you give us more information on what you have tried to turn this into a concommand?
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Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2016, 05:27:51 AM »
You could turn it into a ulx command, if you don't know how to do that just let me know. Unless that's not what you want to do, in that case just ignore me :P

Yes, that's totally what I want to do, but I'm not sure how to approach it like that, I've looked at other commands that are in ULX, but wrapping my head around all of the code in this command already, I'm not sure how to do that.

Any help appreciated!

I also added you on steam (SirrFuchs).

I cannot private message on the forums here because I can't find the Mod/Admin who's name ends with "x", and I can't comment on your profile because the comment section doesn't show up for me.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:49:50 AM by Kaitlin Barrette »

Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2016, 05:29:42 AM »
Your code cannot be simply turned into a concommand. It's full of net messages, so throwing all that code into a concommand wouldn't work for you.

Upon further inspection I also see VGUI code. Could you give us more information on what you have tried to turn this into a concommand?

It already works as a Concommand, sorry I wasn't clear enough I guess. I'm looking to turn it into it's own menu / or put it into the ULX menu / turn it into a ULX command, so that I can use it without having to "Type" the users' names, and instead I can click their names in a menu, because copy/pasting foreign characters does not work in GMOD.

There IS already a menu that I can open for it, *Which I assume is the "VGUI", however it does not work and it won't close unless you restart GMOD*.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:36:22 AM by Kaitlin Barrette »

Offline roastchicken

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2016, 02:47:19 AM »
I'm curious about you not being able to copy foreign characters, because on my server I can copy Unicode characters just fine. Are you using a custom chatbox?

In addition, if the concommand was made correctly, it should autocomplete players names. Does it not do that?

If I have some time to kill I'll read through the code and try to figure out how it works, but 600 lines is a lot to digest.
Give a man some code and you help him for a day; teach a man to code and you help him for a lifetime.

Offline OpticPotatOS

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2016, 08:47:00 AM »
Suggestion off the top of my head:

Make that code into a function, then make a new ulx command that calls that function using clientRPC.
My website isn't my website, rather, it's the gaming network my sever is connected to.


Unforeseen Consequences

Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2016, 08:53:25 AM »
I'm curious about you not being able to copy foreign characters, because on my server I can copy Unicode characters just fine. Are you using a custom chatbox?

In addition, if the concommand was made correctly, it should autocomplete players names. Does it not do that?

If I have some time to kill I'll read through the code and try to figure out how it works, but 600 lines is a lot to digest.

Hatschat, and it doesn't autocomplete player names no. :^(. I appreciate the help.

Offline iViscosity

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2016, 08:53:51 AM »
Yes, that's totally what I want to do, but I'm not sure how to approach it like that, I've looked at other commands that are in ULX, but wrapping my head around all of the code in this command already, I'm not sure how to do that.

Any help appreciated!

I also added you on steam (SirrFuchs).

I cannot private message on the forums here because I can't find the Mod/Admin who's name ends with "x", and I can't comment on your profile because the comment section doesn't show up for me.
Didn't realize that was you adding me, I forgot about this post lol. But as roastchicken said I could probably take a look at it and see how it could fit into a ulx command. He'd probably be more useful than me but I could try.
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2016, 08:55:11 AM »
Didn't realize that was you adding me, I forgot about this post lol. But as roastchicken said I could probably take a look at it and see how it could fit into a ulx command. He'd probably be more useful than me but I could try.

Any help appreciated! I'll add you once again ( I am only able to get on here through my wife's laptop because of the sign in I use), so steam would be a great way to keep in contact if you don't mind! :P

Offline iViscosity

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2016, 08:56:10 AM »
Yeah. I have some things to do today so I'll be home around 1-2ish

EDT, that is :P
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2016, 08:58:15 AM »
Yeah. I have some things to do today so I'll be home around 1-2ish

EDT, that is :P

I work from 1-6PM Central, but I will have my phone on me ( with steam messaging ) so message me whenever you are free! ^_^

Offline Kaitlin Barrette

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2016, 09:00:35 AM »
Suggestion off the top of my head:

Make that code into a function, then make a new ulx command that calls that function using clientRPC.
That's where my ignorance comes in, with functions and the custom code.. I'm not entirely sure how to "Migrate?" or "add" it into a function for ULX, I have been looking over the other code we have in the server under ULX commands, but to no avail, I am still unsure of how to do such things.

Thank you for the suggestions though! ^_^

Offline iViscosity

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Re: ScreenGrab to ULX Menu?
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2016, 11:10:40 AM »
There IS already a menu that I can open for it, *Which I assume is the "VGUI", however it does not work and it won't close unless you restart GMOD*.
This leads me to believe there are errors being thrown, are there any errors being shown in the server console or the client console?
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given