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Offline Bite That Apple

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ULX Name
« on: September 08, 2016, 08:46:17 PM »
Something been on my mind recently. Why, and who decided to name ulx, well... ulx. Why ulysses? Where did the x come from?
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Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2016, 10:30:20 PM »
  • October 31, 2005 -- First ULX release (v0.5) for Garry's Mod version 9. Since we released so quickly after GM9, it was relatively bare bones. We drew heavily from AMXX for inspiration. The 'X' in ULysses X is a hat-tip to AMXX.
ULX is the abbreviation for "Ulysses X"
Megiddo will need to answer why "Ulysses"
The history of what existed before ULX was UGM, and U stood for Ultimate Garry's Minimod (as mentioned in above full post if you click, and the "About" page.

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Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2016, 12:51:36 AM »
ULX is the abbreviation for "Ulysses X"
Megiddo will need to answer why "Ulysses"
The history of what existed before ULX was UGM, and U stood for Ultimate Garry's Minimod (as mentioned in above full post if you click, and the "About" page.

Oh, I've been on the forums for so long when I type u it just goes to, so honestly.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 11:34:29 AM »
To be honest, I don't remember the exact reason why we chose the name "Ulysses". I seem to recall that the name idea came from someone helping me with UGM back in the day (UGM=Ultimate Garrysmod Minimod), though the name "Ulysses" was originally intended for something else. I was in high school at the time, had already purchased the domain, and decided to multipurpose it for the admin mod as well. The other project didn't work out and here we are today. :)

Moral of the story... don't be cheap with domain names? Think about the impact of naming things more? Oh well, "ULX" has served us well. :D
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Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2016, 03:44:02 AM »
To be honest, I don't remember the exact reason why we chose the name "Ulysses". I seem to recall that the name idea came from someone helping me with UGM back in the day (UGM=Ultimate Garrysmod Minimod), though the name "Ulysses" was originally intended for something else. I was in high school at the time, had already purchased the domain, and decided to multipurpose it for the admin mod as well. The other project didn't work out and here we are today. :)

Moral of the story... don't be cheap with domain names? Think about the impact of naming things more? Oh well, "ULX" has served us well. :D

I would defiantly say in your case, the name worked out.
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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 12:24:06 PM »
I would defiantly say in your case, the name worked out.

Going through a rebellious phase?  :P
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Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2016, 05:28:02 PM »
* JamminR holds his fist high, loudly proclaiming, "ULYSSES FOREVER!"
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2016, 04:12:44 AM »
* JamminR holds his fist high, loudly proclaiming, "ULYSSES FOREVER!"

As long as someone pays the bills, and cares enough to login to Garry's Mod once every 6 months, ulx will most likely last forever too. We all know the other admin mods died off a few years ago, evolve looked promising a few years back, but to my understanding, the development for it died. Exsto was good for some time as well, but I see nothing from it anymore.
I also remember this one admin mod too that was like low-key and simple, you had to bind a key to it just to get it to open and it was like just a list of stuff. I believe it was Assmod (I believe the use of that language would be okay, due to it being a proper noun)
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Name
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2016, 04:21:17 PM »
* Megiddo holds his fist high, loudly proclaiming, "ULX WILL NOT DIE BEFORE I DO!"

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