General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: LuaTenshi on July 05, 2013, 09:47:32 AM
So I was using a module for my own Server. Both on the client and server mind you. And today I try to connect and...
So now what do I do? Are my Gmod days over or can I talk to Garry or pay some one or some thing? (I don't have the money to rebuy the orange box, with gmod...)
I have emailed the following message to Garry.
Subject: Banned for using the module on my own server.
Plus I have never used it to bypass Script Enforcer...
Is garry doing something separate from VAC bans, then? Since it shows that you're not VAC banned there. Sorry, I don't follow these systems very closely. :P
Is garry doing something separate from VAC bans, then? Since it shows that you're not VAC banned there. Sorry, I don't follow these systems very closely. :P
Yes he has his own system that every one calls GAC (Garry's Anti Cheat), it is hard coded into Garrysmod. Also too be honest I would rebuy garrysmod its the Orange Box and the other games that are supposed to plug into it I would not want to rebuy...
The sad thing is that I was also working on an anti-cheat against cvar3 so I kind of had to have it on me for testing reasons... (The latest file of it got deleted when I moved my Gmod over to the new format but I still have this old thing, pretty much the first lines of it...)
timer.Create("playercheq", 10, 0, function()
for _,ply in pairs(player.GetHumans()) do
if(ply and ply:IsValid() and !ply:IsSuperAdmin()) then
timer.Create(tostring(ply:UniqueID())..tostring(math.random(9999))), math.random(5), 0, function()
ply:SendLua([[require("cvar3") if(!GetConVar( "sv_allowcslua" ) or GetConVar( "sv_allowcslua" ) != 0) then RunConsoleCommand("disconnect") end]])
ply:SendLua([[require("cvar3") if(!GetConVar( "sv_cheats" ) or GetConVar( "sv_cheats" ) != 0) then RunConsoleCommand("disconnect") end]])
I was going to have it where it would eventually just send require("cvar3") to a client and kick them if they don't get an error. (Because they would have to have the Cvar3 module to not get the error...)
Also, sorry but recently I have noticed that the image host I was using for my icon and signature was making the site load very slow for some people, so I changed hosts to imgur for my signature and deviantart for my profile picture. So if any one was complaining that the site was loading slow at times then that error should be fixed now.
Ironically I got the ban just as a finished helping a friend setup a server and was trying to join to see if it was working and to help him set up ULX.
And what really bothers me is that no one that I know who has actually used cvar3 and other modules to bypass Script Enforce hasn't been banned... Its like karma is hating on me for some thing... but IDK what.
I wounder if I should link this thread to Garry, but I have a feeling that he probably won't even look...
I have posted on Facepunch @ http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1285570&p=41330552&viewfull=1#post41330552
Hopefully they actually read it instead of banning me...
Here is what garry posted:
"It's still cheating if your brother did it, or you used it to see if others were cheating, or your used it to admin your friends server (!?)"
Here is what garry posted:
"It's still cheating if your brother did it, or you used it to see if others were cheating, or your used it to admin your friends server (!?)"
Yes I know it was cheating but to be honest I was only cheating to find out how to make a code that would stop people from cheating, so really I was only trying to help right?
Also that reinstall gmod comment on facepunch, after I read it I was like "WHY THE AITCH NOT".
I don't think he cares, he isn't that kind of a person.
I don't think he cares, he isn't that kind of a person.
I know but he is human, and he is some one who can be negotiated with so may be we can work some thing out. If not all I need to do is just make a second Steam account and buy Garrysmod on it, and try to mount content if it does not mount extract the content and install it as addons. So it really only costs 10 dollars to get a Garrysmod account and I already said that I am willing to pay 10 dollars again if that meant I was going to be unbanned.
The only reason I was banned really is because I did not get any notice that Cvar3 was now illegal to use. (You see I don't check facepunch frequently...)
He never gave out any warnings, as far as I know.
He never gave out any warnings, as far as I know.
Yes and that is the problem, Valve warns you when you may be breaking the rules... Garry does not, I bet most of the people who got banned where pretty much innocent.
It kind of looks like to me that he is encouraging steam alt accounts with this chance I don't think rebuying GMOD on the steam account your using will get you unbaned whnen you have GMOD already on that account? I'm pretty sure that this is a steamid ban correct me if I'm wrong (according to the TOS http://www.garrysmod.com/terms/ (http://www.garrysmod.com/terms/)).
You get unbanned if you buy Garrysmod on a whole new account if I could rebuy Gmod on my "home" account I would in a heart beat. Now we need the ability to mount games that are on your computer but on a different Steam account.
I am no expert but wouldn't Garry make way more money if you could pay 10 dollars to get unbanned?
You should read his thread here: http://www.mpgh.net/forum/713-garrys-mod-hacks-cheats/698016-lets-talk.html
I don't think he cares, he isn't that kind of a person.
As much as I hate it, I'd have to agree with the overall sentiment of this post.
I could easily imagine Garry thinking/saying "i wrote the ultimate protection, you shouldn't have even tried to do better. You were banned..I can't be bothered with such trival matters"
I imagine he wouldn't care that we've had to re-write work-arounds into ULib several times for his 'superior' code, let alone anyone else write anti-cheat protections.
Oh, and if you do buy Gmod again, don't use the same steam account. Can't purchase same game on same account. (which also means you'll not have links to all your other game content that connects automatically)
And be careful not to let anyone know you're using an alternate account...then you'll get banned for ban avoidance.
As much as I hate it, I'd have to agree with the overall sentiment of this post.
I could easily imagine Garry thinking/saying "i wrote the ultimate protection, you shouldn't have even tried to do better. You were banned..I can't be bothered with such trival matters"
I imagine he wouldn't care that we've had to re-write work-arounds into ULib several times for his 'superior' code, let alone anyone else write anti-cheat protections.
Oh, and if you do buy Gmod again, don't use the same steam account. Can't purchase same game on same account. (which also means you'll not have links to all your other game content that connects automatically)
And be careful not to let anyone know you're using an alternate account...then you'll get banned for ban avoidance.
I am really wondering what Garry would say in his response.
I have a question, according to what he said, isn't it much easier to get people banned now? I mean if you want to get people banned from Gmod, you can just follow these steps:
1. Give them a bypasser that bypasses sv_allowcslua on opening the .exe.
2. Make a script on your server that will run on clients and get them banned? (Just like what HellFox did)
I think to get rid of what garry has done is by exploiting garry's ways of security and showing him what he did was completely wrong, as players can get other players banned by some easy tricks.
I have a question, according to what he said, isn't it much easier to get people banned now? I mean if you want to get people banned from Gmod, you can just follow these steps:
1. Give them a bypasser that bypasses sv_allowcslua on opening the .exe.
2. Make a script on your server that will run on clients and get them banned? (Just like what HellFox did)
I think to get rid of what garry has done is by exploiting garry's ways of security and showing him what he did was completely wrong, as players can get other players banned by some easy tricks.
The garry on there is confirmed to be an imposter
So don't believe what was said in that thread.
What I said has nothing to do what he said on the thread. But basically according to HellFox and some other post by the real garry.
I have a question, according to what he said, isn't it much easier to get people banned now? I mean if you want to get people banned from Gmod, you can just follow these steps:
1. Give them a bypasser that bypasses sv_allowcslua on opening the .exe.
2. Make a script on your server that will run on clients and get them banned? (Just like what HellFox did)
I think to get rid of what garry has done is by exploiting garry's ways of security and showing him what he did was completely wrong, as players can get other players banned by some easy tricks.
I never made a script to run on clients so it gets them banned when they join my server... I was making an anti cheat, and you kind of have to cheat to test an anti cheat...
Makes much more sense now.