Author Topic: Ban Menu revision request.  (Read 16259 times)

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Re: Ban Menu revision request.
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2010, 03:43:15 PM »
I have no idea.. have you tried clearing the garrysmod\cache\dua folder? You mentioned something about 'updating' it, maybe try removing the folder completely and let the server rebuild it?

I will try this and update this post on how it turns out.

Usually, I just drag the 'dua' folder onto my desktop and then drag it onto my FastDL server. I had assumed that the whole entire cache gets updated every map change since it says the files were modified around the same time the map changes.

Edit ----

Unfortunately, this did not work. It's still making me redownload some lua files and whatever is downloaded is getting blocked.

Edit 2 ---

Also, I'd like to make a request to go back to the basics of my first post. It's been 2 weeks since I made this thread and the progress of it has been slow. I appreciate all the help, but I think it would be quicker if the original ULib and ULX be recoded to fix the ban mechanics rather than introducing me to XGUI.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:06:05 AM by mNote »

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Re: Ban Menu revision request.
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2010, 09:34:48 PM »
--And now it's fixed!  ;D

We finally got some free time today, and I gave Megiddo your bans file to work on. The ban system is now MUCH more optimized, and can now process all of the bans in about ~3 seconds. The ulx banmenu, however, gets overloaded with all of the bans, and doesn't show anything at all (while making things run very slow).

As per your original request, XGUI supports listing of permabans and temporary bans all in one spot, with the bans from banned_users.cfg in a different spot.
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