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ULX version: 3.20ULib version: 2.10Gamemode: SandboxMap: gm_flatgrassDedicated server: trueCurrently connected players:Nick steamid id lsh createdVegore STEAM_0:1:11883722 1 n 76028ULib.ucl.users (#=2): Taupe: deny: type = steamid groups: 1 = build id = STEAM_0:1:10177766 pass_req = 0 pass = allow: 1 = ulx kick 2 = ulx jail 3 = ulx unjail Lpha: deny: type = steamid groups: 1 = superadmin 2 = immunity id = STEAM_0:1:3022606 pass_req = 0 pass = allow:ULib.ucl.groups (#=6): superadmin: deny: allow: 1 = ulx hiddenecho 2 = ulx rcon 3 = ulx luarun 4 = ulx cexec 5 = ulx ent 6 = ulx adduser 7 = ulx removeuser 8 = ulx userallow 9 = ulx userdeny 10 = ulx addgroup 11 = ulx removegroup 12 = ulx groupallow 13 = ulx groupdeny 14 = overcomeimmunity 15 = ulib_passtime 16 = ulib_passtimeout 17 = ulx spawnecho 18 = ulx tsay 19 = ulx csay 20 = ulx gimp 21 = ulx mute 22 = ulx ungimp 23 = ulx unmute 24 = ulx gag 25 = ulx ungag 26 = ulx chattime 27 = ulx welcomemessage 28 = ulx slap 29 = ulx whip 30 = ulx slay 31 = ulx sslay 32 = ulx ignite 33 = ulx playsound 34 = ulx freeze 35 = ulx unfreeze 36 = ulx god 37 = ulx ungod 38 = ulx noclip 39 = ulx hp 40 = ulx cloak 41 = ulx uncloak 42 = ulx blind 43 = ulx unblind 44 = ulx jail 45 = ulx unjail 46 = ulx ghost 47 = ulx unghost 48 = ulx ragdoll 49 = ulx unragdoll 50 = ulx maul 51 = ulx adminmenu 52 = ulx clientmenu 53 = ulx mapsmenu 54 = ulx showmotd 55 = ulx banmenu 56 = ulx exec 57 = ulx rslotsmode 58 = ulx rslots 59 = ulx rslotsvisible 60 = ulx reservedslots 61 = ulx bring 62 = ulx goto 63 = ulx send 64 = ulx teleport 65 = ulx tooldeny 66 = ulx toolallow 67 = ulx tooldenyuser 68 = ulx toolallowuser 69 = ulx tooldenyoverride 70 = ulx map 71 = ulx kick 72 = ulx ban 73 = ulx banid 74 = ulx unban 75 = ulx spectate 76 = ulx mingekick 77 = ulx physgunplayer 78 = ulx vote 79 = ulx votemap2 80 = ulx votekick 81 = ulx voteban 82 = ulx veto inherit_from: admin: deny: allow: 1 = ulib_passtime 2 = ulib_passtimeout 3 = ulx spawnecho 4 = ulx tsay 5 = ulx csay 6 = ulx gimp 7 = ulx mute 8 = ulx ungimp 9 = ulx unmute 10 = ulx gag 11 = ulx ungag 12 = ulx chattime 13 = ulx welcomemessage 14 = ulx slap 15 = ulx whip 16 = ulx slay 17 = ulx sslay 18 = ulx ignite 19 = ulx playsound 20 = ulx freeze 21 = ulx unfreeze 22 = ulx god 23 = ulx ungod 24 = ulx noclip 25 = ulx hp 26 = ulx cloak 27 = ulx uncloak 28 = ulx blind 29 = ulx unblind 30 = ulx jail 31 = ulx unjail 32 = ulx ghost 33 = ulx unghost 34 = ulx ragdoll 35 = ulx unragdoll 36 = ulx maul 37 = ulx adminmenu 38 = ulx clientmenu 39 = ulx mapsmenu 40 = ulx showmotd 41 = ulx banmenu 42 = ulx exec 43 = ulx rslotsmode 44 = ulx rslots 45 = ulx rslotsvisible 46 = ulx reservedslots 47 = ulx bring 48 = ulx goto 49 = ulx send 50 = ulx teleport 51 = ulx tooldeny 52 = ulx toolallow 53 = ulx tooldenyuser 54 = ulx toolallowuser 55 = ulx tooldenyoverride 56 = ulx map 57 = ulx kick 58 = ulx ban 59 = ulx banid 60 = ulx unban 61 = ulx spectate 62 = ulx mingekick 63 = ulx physgunplayer 64 = ulx vote 65 = ulx votemap2 66 = ulx votekick 67 = ulx voteban 68 = ulx veto inherit_from: user: deny: allow: 1 = ulx 2 = ulx help 3 = ulx psay 4 = ulx asay 5 = ulx thetime 6 = ulx menu 7 = ulx_valueupdate 8 = ulx_cvar 9 = ulx_getgamemodes 10 = ulx motd 11 = ulx_getbans 12 = ulx usermanagementhelp 13 = ulx who 14 = ulx votemap 15 = ulx votekick inherit_from: none: deny: allow: 1 = ulx logecho 2 = ulx logfile 3 = ulx logevents 4 = ulx logchat 5 = ulx logspawns 6 = ulx logspawnsecho 7 = ulx logdir 8 = ulx addgimpsay 9 = ulx addadvert 10 = ulx addcsayadvert 11 = ulx addforceddownload 12 = ulx debuginfo 13 = ulx voteecho 14 = ulx votemap2successratio 15 = ulx votemap2minvotes 16 = ulx votekicksuccessratio 17 = ulx votekickminvotes 18 = ulx votebansuccessratio 19 = ulx votebanminvotes 20 = ulx votemapenabled 21 = ulx votemapmintime 22 = ulx votemapwaittime 23 = ulx votemapsuccessratio 24 = ulx votemapminvotes 25 = ulx votemapvetotime 26 = ulx votemapmapmode 27 = ulx votemapaddmap inherit_from: operator: deny: allow: 1 = ulx seeasay inherit_from: vip: deny: allow: 1 = ulx kick 2 = ulx unjail 3 = ulx jail inherit_from:ULib.ucl.authed (#=20): Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = MingeBag acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 3466930718 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = MingeBag acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 229546408 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Vegore acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1515994719 Player [NULL]: type = steamid id = STEAM_0:1:3022606 deny: pass_req = 0 allow: account = Lpha groups: 1 = superadmin 2 = superadmin uniqueid = 2860475439 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = [FR]Von acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1992104323 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = [F2B]Thingamajig acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 3496897400 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = ?ì�????_¬ acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 2783029811 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = MingeBag acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 3466930718 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = MingeBag acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 3466930718 Player [1][Vegore]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Vegore acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1515994719 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = (:::^:darkblade:^:::)[fr] acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1656619543 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Marcotemplario acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 692302297 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = =>[A]l3[X]t3kk<=<O_o> acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 2815745261 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Jack in the box acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 2262920559 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Azusa acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1018185589 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Jack acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 530607867 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = Creature-Funebre acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 3373048107 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = [FR]Von acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1992104323 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = user id = account = (:::^:darkblade:^:::)[fr] acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 1656619543 Player [NULL]: type = guest groups: 1 = user 2 = admin id = account = Gnougnou acl: allow: deny: uniqueid = 43010156Garrysmod default file (#=4): build: taupe = STEAM_0:1:10177766 superadmin: lpha = STEAM_0:1:3022606 admin: gnougnou = STEAM_0:1:4517252 vip: xela = STEAM_0:0:6831676Active addons on this server:Adv Duplicator by TAD2020, version 1.836 (July 5th 2007)airbrake by Malawar, version 1 (Today)Amraam Addon by Mike C. (Foda), version Working?! (Yes)Breakable Props Tool by Conna, version 1 ((null))Builders Pack by Killusion, version 2 (September 10th, 2007)cannon by Malawar, version 1.3 (December 19th 2006)Conna's Tools Pack by Conna, version 1.5 ((null))Contraption Saver Tool by Conna, version 1.5 ((null))counter-strike by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)CrateMaker by Mahalis, version 1.1 (2/17/07)day-of-defeat by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)default_sent_pack by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)derma by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)Fly By Wire by Paradukes, version Beta ()gmdm_resources by Garry Newman, version 1 (21th August, 2007)GME by (null), version 1.1 ((null))Gmod 10 Plus Pack by General Master, version 1.42 (11 Febuary 2007)harpoon by Malawar, version 2 (Today)keypad by Robbis_1 (aka Killer HAHA), version 1.3 (7th February 2007)Laser STOOL by MadJawa, version 1.1 (31st May 2007)launcher by Malawar, version 1.1 (Today)military by illkid & 1/4 Life, version 1 (2nd December 2006)Nuke Bomb 0.9 by elevator13, version 1.09 (April 11th 2007)phx by PhoeniX-Storms & 1/4 Life, version 5 (3rd Febuary 2007)propcannons by Duncan Stead, version 1.1 (18th December 2006)PropSecure by Conna, version 2 (04th March)Rails by Dragon90101/Mr. Altaco, version 1 ()repulsor by Malawar, version 1.1 (December 19th 2006)Sensor Tool by Conna, version 1 ((null))stargate by aVoN, version 0.9 (11th August, 2007)stargate_resources by aVoN, version 0.9 (11th August, 2007)sui_scoreboard by Suicidal.Banana, version ? ()Sycomod by (null), version 0.01 (3/17/07)Uclip by Megiddo (Team Ulysses), version 1.1 (08/27/07)ulib by Team Ulysses, version 2.1 (09/23/07)ulx by Team Ulysses, version 3.2 (09/23/07)Vmod by Various, version 1 (april 22 2007)WeightSTool by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))wire by Wire Team, version 0.9.6 (25st March 2007)wire model pack 1 by Team Wire, version 0.3 (25st March 2007)
We changed how user groups are handled in ULX 3.20. If you are upgrading from a previous version, remove the data/ULib/groups.txt file! Thanks!
"superadmin" { "deny" { } "allow" { "ulx hiddenecho" "ulx rcon" "ulx luarun" "ulx cexec" "ulx ent" "ulx adduser" "ulx removeuser" "ulx userallow" "ulx userdeny" "ulx addgroup" "ulx removegroup" "ulx groupallow" "ulx groupdeny" "overcomeimmunity" "ulib_passtime" "ulib_passtimeout" "ulx spawnecho" "ulx tsay" "ulx csay" "ulx gimp" "ulx mute" "ulx ungimp" "ulx unmute" "ulx gag" "ulx ungag" "ulx chattime" "ulx welcomemessage" "ulx slap" "ulx whip" "ulx slay" "ulx sslay" "ulx ignite" "ulx playsound" "ulx freeze" "ulx unfreeze" "ulx god" "ulx ungod" "ulx noclip" "ulx hp" "ulx cloak" "ulx uncloak" "ulx blind" "ulx unblind" "ulx jail" "ulx unjail" "ulx ghost" "ulx unghost" "ulx ragdoll" "ulx unragdoll" "ulx maul" "ulx adminmenu" "ulx clientmenu" "ulx mapsmenu" "ulx showmotd" "ulx banmenu" "ulx exec" "ulx rslotsmode" "ulx rslots" "ulx rslotsvisible" "ulx reservedslots" "ulx bring" "ulx goto" "ulx send" "ulx teleport" "ulx tooldeny" "ulx toolallow" "ulx tooldenyuser" "ulx toolallowuser" "ulx tooldenyoverride" "ulx map" "ulx kick" "ulx ban" "ulx banid" "ulx unban" "ulx spectate" "ulx mingekick" "ulx physgunplayer" "ulx vote" "ulx votemap2" "ulx votekick" "ulx voteban" "ulx veto" } "inherit_from" { }}"admin" { "deny" { } "allow" { "ulib_passtime" "ulib_passtimeout" "ulx spawnecho" "ulx tsay" "ulx csay" "ulx gimp" "ulx mute" "ulx ungimp" "ulx unmute" "ulx gag" "ulx ungag" "ulx chattime" "ulx welcomemessage" "ulx slap" "ulx whip" "ulx slay" "ulx sslay" "ulx ignite" "ulx playsound" "ulx freeze" "ulx unfreeze" "ulx god" "ulx ungod" "ulx noclip" "ulx hp" "ulx cloak" "ulx uncloak" "ulx blind" "ulx unblind" "ulx jail" "ulx unjail" "ulx ghost" "ulx unghost" "ulx ragdoll" "ulx unragdoll" "ulx maul" "ulx adminmenu" "ulx clientmenu" "ulx mapsmenu" "ulx showmotd" "ulx banmenu" "ulx exec" "ulx rslotsmode" "ulx rslots" "ulx rslotsvisible" "ulx reservedslots" "ulx bring" "ulx goto" "ulx send" "ulx teleport" "ulx tooldeny" "ulx toolallow" "ulx tooldenyuser" "ulx toolallowuser" "ulx tooldenyoverride" "ulx map" "ulx kick" "ulx ban" "ulx banid" "ulx unban" "ulx spectate" "ulx mingekick" "ulx physgunplayer" "ulx vote" "ulx votemap2" "ulx votekick" "ulx voteban" "ulx veto" } "inherit_from" { }}"user" { "deny" { } "allow" { "ulx" "ulx help" "ulx psay" "ulx asay" "ulx thetime" "ulx menu" "ulx_valueupdate" "ulx_cvar" "ulx_getgamemodes" "ulx motd" "ulx_getbans" "ulx usermanagementhelp" "ulx who" "ulx votemap" "ulx votekick" } "inherit_from" { }}"none" { "deny" { } "allow" { "ulx logecho" "ulx logfile" "ulx logevents" "ulx logchat" "ulx logspawns" "ulx logspawnsecho" "ulx logdir" "ulx addgimpsay" "ulx addadvert" "ulx addcsayadvert" "ulx addforceddownload" "ulx debuginfo" "ulx voteecho" "ulx votemap2successratio" "ulx votemap2minvotes" "ulx votekicksuccessratio" "ulx votekickminvotes" "ulx votebansuccessratio" "ulx votebanminvotes" "ulx votemapenabled" "ulx votemapmintime" "ulx votemapwaittime" "ulx votemapsuccessratio" "ulx votemapminvotes" "ulx votemapvetotime" "ulx votemapmapmode" "ulx votemapaddmap" } "inherit_from" { }}"operator" { "deny" { } "allow" { "ulx seeasay" } "inherit_from" { }}"vip" { "allow" { "ulx kick" "ulx unjail" "ulx jail" } "deny" { }}