Author Topic: Best Chair?  (Read 2883 times)

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Offline roastchicken

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Best Chair?
« on: April 08, 2017, 10:17:22 PM »
A bit of a different topic of discussion, but I'm curious what insights other people might have. Gaming chairs or just ergonomic chairs in general. I'm looking to buy a new chair because I'm currently using a cheap one and I think it would vastly improve my quality of life to invest in a high quality one seeing as I spend a lot of time at my desk. I'm not too interested in 'racing' chairs because they seem overly flashy and not too ergonomic. I've read a few articles and the Office Master OM5 sounds pretty cool. The Steelcase Gesture is another I've heard about, but I don't think I want to (or have the money to :P) spend $1k on it. Does anyone have a chair they love, or just has some good recommendations?
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: Best Chair?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2017, 10:19:44 PM »
I am not a chair expert, but others in my office had recommended this chair from IKEA, so I got one for the office and it has been working out well for me! It's a bit more "firm", but still comfortable and helps me with my posture. The mesh back is nice to give your back some breathing room too. All in all, definitely cheaper than your other options, and I feel it gets a good bang for the buck!
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Re: Best Chair?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2017, 03:43:50 PM »
I love my chair I got for $89.99 US from Staples about 6 years ago.
It's apparently not sold anymore, as I could find no place listing it in stock.
Looking at the IKEA that Stickly posted reminded me of it.
(Here's at least a pretty picture of it - - but a lot of good that does you now that I can't find it anywhere, no? )
For as comfy as it is versus the price I paid for it, I'm surprised it's lasting so long.
I've paid much more for much worse quality (and usually associated with a better name brand)

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Offline roastchicken

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Re: Best Chair?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2017, 06:53:27 PM »
Interesting chair, Stickly. I think I've heard of that chair before, but I dismissed it because it's IKEA which I associate with low quality (but maybe that's just their cheap furniture that I've used). I'll have to reconsider it.

Sounds like a real bargain, JamminR. I think I paid $120 for the chair I'm sitting in now and it's already falling apart after two years.
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: Best Chair?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2017, 11:19:38 AM »
We have some of these chairs that have lasted for a couple years of heavy use- so that says something! ;D

I wonder if there's a thing about "office chairs" whose clientele consists of businesses that can generally afford paying lots for chairs, and then make them out of cheap crap lol.
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