Author Topic: SteamID targeting: $ required for some people but not others?  (Read 2010 times)

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Offline Roadsguy

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My ULib/ULX versions: <SVN> revision 356

Game mode I am having this problem on: Trouble in Terrorist Town

I'm not a server owner, dev, or even really ULX expert, so apologies for any off terminology or missing something obvious.

I've noticed something strange with targeting SteamIDs from chat shortcuts. In ulx help, it tells me to put a $ before a SteamID in a chat shortcut. This is indeed required. If I say, for example, !mute STEAM_0:1:197760355, or type into console ulx mute STEAM_0:1:197760355, it gives me the error Command "ulx mute", argument #1: no targets found. This makes sense. If I instead type !mute $STEAM_0:1:197760355 or ulx mute $STEAM_0:1:197760355, it works.

However, it doesn't work like that for everyone. I've had two other staff members on the same server tell me that not only can they use SteamIDs as targets no problem, but it doesn't even allow them to use a $. Anyone know what could be causing it to require a $ for some people and not others? I don't see any menu settings or Gmod settings that might affect that.
Greetings from Smithtainment Gaming network!

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Re: SteamID targeting: $ required for some people but not others?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2018, 07:22:30 AM »
I am required to use $ for steamid targeting. I don't know if the people who say they can do it without are entirely correct.

Offline Lethal

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Re: SteamID targeting: $ required for some people but not others?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 04:51:51 PM »
It is probably down to which group can target in the !menu "ulx groupcantarget"