Okay, I'm officially fedup with all the other prop protection suites. PropSecure no longer works and is unsupported, PropProtection is broken (or at least the menu is) and I never found it to be a workable option as it never told the prop's owner whenever you looked at it... Combine all these problems with this script being an absolute necessity for any server, and the fact that the developers of the previously mentioned scripts seem to release one version and subsequently disappear/forget it ever existed. I propose the Ulysses team make a prop protection suite of their own... Now hear me out!
Perfect integration with UClip and ULX would be possible, and I've said it before and I'll say it again, this team is/has easily been the best for regular and consistent updates for Gmod-related scripts. It can't nearly be as much work as a big script such as ULX must be, and I'm positive it'd be a very welcome addition in the Gmod community. Any other ideas? I'm sure you guys are busy, one developer to another... I hope this post didn't come out as ungrateful, quite the opposite was intended... Just that the Ulysses team is THE best Gmod coders and I think they could dominate yet another admin script category if they really wanted to.