Author Topic: new user.lua  (Read 3464 times)

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Offline MrPresident

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new user.lua
« on: September 19, 2007, 11:46:17 AM »
None of these commands are loading..

ulx adduser
ulx userallow
ulx userdeny

everything that was split into the new lua file is not loading for me.. I can try to restart, maybe that'll help.


Code: [Select]
ULib.ucl.groups (#=6):
1 = ulx rcon
2 = ulx luarun
3 = ulx ent
4 = ulx cexec
5 = ulx adduser
6 = ulx removeuser
7 = ulx userallow
8 = ulx userdeny
9 = ulx hiddenecho
10 = overcomeimmunity
1 = admin
1 = ulib_passtime
2 = ulib_passtimeout
3 = ulx slap
4 = ulx whip
5 = ulx slay
6 = ulx sslay
7 = ulx ignite
8 = ulx playsound
9 = ulx freeze
10 = ulx unfreeze
11 = ulx god
12 = ulx ungod
13 = ulx noclip
14 = ulx hp
15 = ulx cloak
16 = ulx uncloak
17 = ulx blind
18 = ulx unblind
19 = ulx jail
20 = ulx unjail
21 = ulx bring
22 = ulx goto
23 = ulx send
24 = ulx teleport
25 = ulx ghost
26 = ulx unghost
27 = ulx ragdoll
28 = ulx unragdoll
29 = ulx vote
30 = ulx gimp
31 = ulx mute
32 = ulx ungimp
33 = ulx unmute
34 = ulx maul
35 = ulx gag
36 = ulx ungag
37 = ulx rslotsmode
38 = ulx rslots
39 = ulx rslotsvisible
40 = reservedslots
41 = ulx tooldeny
42 = ulx toolallow
43 = ulx tooldenyuser
44 = ulx toolallowuser
45 = ulx tsay
46 = ulx csay
47 = ulx exec
48 = ulx map
49 = ulx kick
50 = ulx ban
51 = ulx spectate
52 = ulx adminmenu
53 = ulx clientmenu
54 = ulx mapsmenu
55 = ulx votemap2
56 = ulx votekick
57 = ulx voteban
58 = ulx mingekick
59 = ulx welcomemessage
60 = ulx showmotd
61 = ulx chattime
62 = ulx veto
63 = ulx banid
64 = ulx spawnecho
65 = ulx banmenu
66 = ulx reservedslots
67 = ulx tooldenyoverride
68 = ulx unban
1 = _pw
2 = ulx
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx who
5 = ulx psay
6 = ulx asay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx menu
9 = ulx motd
10 = ulx_valueupdate
11 = ulx votemap
12 = ulx_cvar
13 = ulx_getgamemodes
14 = ulx_getbans
1 = _pw
2 = ulx
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx who
5 = ulx psay
6 = ulx asay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx menu
9 = ulx motd
10 = ulx_valueupdate
11 = ulx votemap
12 = ulx votekick
1 = _pw
2 = ulx
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx who
5 = ulx psay
6 = ulx asay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx menu
9 = ulx motd
10 = ulx_valueupdate
11 = ulx votemap
12 = ulx votekick
13 = ulx goto
14 = ulx god
15 = ulx ungod
16 = ulx spectate
17 = ulx cloak
18 = ulx uncloak
19 = ulx vote
20 = ulx hp
21 = ulx teleport
22 = ulx clientmenu
1 = ulx addgimpsay
2 = ulx logecho
3 = ulx logfile
4 = ulx logevents
5 = ulx logchat
6 = ulx logspawns
7 = ulx logspawnsecho
8 = ulx logdir
9 = ulx addadvert
10 = ulx addcsayadvert
11 = ulx addforceddownload
12 = ulx votemapenabled
13 = ulx votemapmintime
14 = ulx votemapwaittime
15 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
16 = ulx votemapminvotes
17 = ulx votemapvetotime
18 = ulx votemapmapmode
19 = ulx votemapaddmap
20 = ulx debuginfo
21 = ulx voteecho
22 = ulx votemap2successratio
23 = ulx votemap2minvotes
24 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
25 = ulx votekickminvotes
26 = ulx votebansuccessratio
27 = ulx votebanminvotes

okay.. notice how the commands loaded for this output.. however...

Code: [Select]
14:54:23 ulx adduser
14:54:23 Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your console.
is what Im getting from the console.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 11:50:41 AM by zakap »

Offline MrPresident

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Re: new user.lua
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 03:10:39 PM »
Also, when I tried the clean install to try and fix the physgun problem, these commands still didn't work..

My server runs very dynamically, we are always promoting people to member and my gold member rank is the operator rank and I am giving and taking privledges from them all the time. The lack of these commands is becoming a burden. Is there something that isn't initializing correctly since it's a new file?

Offline Megiddo

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Re: new user.lua
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 03:36:14 PM »
Just a few syntax errors. Remember that if you're using SVN, don't expect every feature to work all the time. Though we do our best, we have no requirement of making sure each commit is release quality.

The latest commit should fix it for yah. Did doing a fresh checkout solve your physgun problem as well?
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Offline MrPresident

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Re: new user.lua
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 04:13:12 PM »
thanks soo much.. I know that using SVN is not 100%.. but I like to help test for these bugs =)

Im going to install the new revision to fix the bug.. thanks

No.. the clean checkout didn't fix the physgun issue.. =-\ I have no idea what is causing it.

Offline spbogie

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Re: new user.lua
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 04:51:59 PM »
Sorry, I really shouldn't make changes like that from my laptop where I can't test. !slap sp
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Offline Chironex

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Re: new user.lua
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 09:15:10 PM »
The right command is !banfromulysseteam sp

Just kidding of course