Author Topic: ULX 3.20 - Certo  (Read 15638 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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ULX 3.20 - Certo
« on: September 23, 2007, 07:57:28 PM »
We are pleased to announce the release of ULX 3.20 and ULib 2.10. These releases bring the largest changeset to ULX and ULib that we've ever had (without the script being rewritten from scratch). We've made a lot of progress toward making ULX even more user friendly and bug free than ever before, so we have codenamed this release "certo".

All the stops on user management have been pulled out. You're not limited in any way to having a certain group being the only ones able to use a certain feature (IE, you now determine who sees ulx asay and who can overcome immunity!). We realize that most users won't know or care about this feature, but it's definitely nice to have for power users and peace of mind. You can now do all your user management from inside the server using our new console commands.

A long requested feature, "ulx who" now shows all groups a player is in.

We are now using a custom ban list. This ban list not only shows extra information which can be seen in our new ban menu, but will also hold your temp bans. Using the default ban system, temp bans are removed from the server whenever the server restart. So, if you ban someone for a month... they're only going to stay banned until your server crashes (which we all know won't be long!). ULX will store the bans and restore them when the server comes back up so you don't have to worry about bans being cleared anymore. ULX will also store permabans in the regular default format, so there's no need to worry about losing your bans if you remove ULX.

We modularized everything in ULX to be easily added, removed, edited, or to add third-party addons in. For eample: Don't like the teleportation commands? Remove the teleport.lua file and your server will never know they even existed! To further the modularization, our menus are now all dynamically driven so if you pull some commands out, the appropriate buttons will be taken out too. This also means that third-parties (like wiremod!) can add their own buttons in our menus.

We changed how user groups are handled in ULX 3.20. If you are upgrading from a previous version, remove the data/ULib/groups.txt file! Thanks!

Here are the full changelogs:
Quote from: ULX changelog
v3.20 - *(09/23/07)*
   * [ADD] ulx send - Allows admin to transport a player to another player (no more goto then bring!)
   * [ADD] ulx maul - Maul a player with fast zombies
   * [ADD] ulx gag - Silence individual player's microphone/sound input on voice enabled servers.
   * [ADD] New module system. It's now easier than ever to add, remove, or change ULX commands!
   * [ADD] ulx.addToMenu(). Use this function if you want a module to add something to any of the ULX menu.
   * [ADD] ulx debuginfo. Use this function to get information to give us when you're asking support questions.
   * [ADD] Votes now have a background behind them.
   * [ADD] ulx voteEcho. A config option to enable echo of votes. Does not apply to votemap.
   * [ADD] Maps menu now has option for gamemode.
   * [ADD] Ban menu to view and remove bans.
   * [ADD] ulx removeruser, addgroup, removegroup, groupallow, groupdeny, usermanagementhelp
   * [FIX] ulx whip - No longer allows multiple whip sessions of an individual player at same time.
   * [FIX] ulx adduser - You no longer have to reconnect to get given access.
   * [FIX] Vastly improved ulx send, goto, and teleport. You should never get stuck in anything ever again.
   * [FIX] Various initialization functions trying to access a disconnected player
   * [FIX] Vastly improved reserved slots
   * [FIX] Can't spawn junk or suicide while frozen now.
   * [FIX] Coming out of spectate keeps god mode (if the player was given god with "ulx god")
   * [FIX] Can't use "ulx hp" to give 100000+ hp anymore (crashes players with default HUD).
   * [FIX] If you're authed twice, you won't get duplicates in autocomplete
   * [FIX] ulx votemapmapmode and votemapaddmap not working
   * [CHANGE] /me <action> can now be used in ulx asay/chat @ admin chat. "@ /me bashes spammer over the head"
   * [CHANGE] Commands that used player:spawn (ragdoll,spectate, more) now return player to health/armor they had previously.
   * [CHANGE] ulx teleport. Can now teleport a player to where you are looking. Logs it if a player is specified.
   * [CHANGE] You can now specify entire directories in ulx addForcedDownload
   * [CHANGE] A few internal changes to the ULX base to compliment the new ULib UCL access string system
   * [CHANGE] ULX echoes come after the command now.
   * [CHANGE] Configs are now under /cfg/* instead of /lua/ulx/configs/*
   * [CHANGE] bring goto and teleport now zero out your velocity after moving you.
   * [CHANGE] bring and goto can now still move you when you would get stuck if you're noclipped.
   * [CHANGE] A hidden echo that is still shown to admins is now clearly labeled as such.
   * [CHANGE] ulx cexec now takes multiple targets. (This was the intended behavior)
   * [CHANGE] Lots of minor tweaks that would take too long to list. ;)
   * [CHANGE] All say commands require spaces after them except the "@" commands. (IE, "!slapbob" no longer slaps bob)
   * [CHANGE] Access to physgun players now uses the access string "ulx physgunplayer"
   * [CHANGE] Access to reserved slots now uses the access string "ulx reservedslots"
   * [CHANGE] Complete rewrite of advert system. You probably won't notice any difference (except hostname fix), but the code is leaner and meaner.
   * [CHANGE] No interval option for ulx whip anymore, too easy to abuse.
   * [CHANGE] Menus now use derma
   * [CHANGE] The ULX configs should now really and truly load after the default configs
   * [CHANGE] Votemap, votekick, voteban now all require the approval of the admin that started the vote if it wins.
   * [CHANGE] Voteban can now receive a parameter for ban time.
   * [CHANGE] ulx map can now receive gamemode for a parameter.
   * [CHANGE] You can now use newlines in adverts.
   * [CHANGE] Dropped requirement of being at least an opper for userallow/deny
   * [CHANGE] ulx who has an updated format that includes custom groups.
   * [CHANGE] ulx help is now categorized. (Reserved slots, teleportation, chat, etc )
   * [CHANGE] ulx thetime can now only be used once every minute (server wide)

Quote from: ULib.2.10
v2.10 - *(09/23/07)*
   * [ADD] New hook library. Completely backwards compatible, but can now do priorities. (Server-side only)
   * [ADD] ULib.parseKeyValues, ULib.makeKeyValues
   * [ADD] ULib.getSpawnInfo, ULib.Spawn - Enhanced Spawn... will replace original health/armor when called if getSpawnInfo called first.
   * [ADD] READDED hexing system to get around garry's ConCommand() blocks. So much is now blocked that it's interferring with normal ULX operations.
   * [ADD] Our server module again. This time with only console-executing abilities. This is because garry has blocked much of what we need. Source is included.
   * [ADD] Custom ban list to store temp bans and additional ban info. Permanent bans are still stored in banned_user.cfg, and the two lists are synchronized.
   * [FIX] Can now query players from client side.
   * [FIX] An exploit in DisallowDelete() that allowed players to still remove the props
   * [FIX] Various initialization functions trying to access a disconnected player
   * [FIX] ULib.csay() sending umsgs to invalid players.
   * [FIX] UCL by clantag not working.
   * [CHANGE] Big changes in ucl.query() and concommand functions. Probably won't be backwards compatible.
   * [CHANGE] UCL now uses our new keyvalues functions. It should be backwards compatible with your old data, but we make no promises. If you're having trouble with it, try starting from scratch.
   * [CHANGE] ULib.tsay has a wait parameter to send on next frame
   * [CHANGE] subconcommands are now case insensitive
   * [CHANGE] Csay's now have fade.
   * [CHANGE] DisallowSpawning() now implements SpawnObject. For example, people can't sit and precache props while in the ulx jail.
   * [CHANGE] Say commands are now case insensitive and default to needing a space between command and arg (can flag to use old behavior though)
   * [CHANGE] ULib.ban, and ULib.kickban now accept additional information and pass data to ULib.addBan.
   * [CHANGE] Immunity is now an access string instead of a group
   * [CHANGE] Overcoming immunity is no longer bound to superadmins
   * [CHANGE] Increased performance of UCL.
   * [REMOVED] The vgui panels, derma is the vgui of choice now.

We have images we'd like you to see of the new menus, but they break the front page layout if we put them here, so follow this link to see them!

A big thanks goes out to JamminR and spbogie. Without their efforts and support, ULX would not be where it is today. Also thanks to our beta testers who submitted bugs to our forums! We love you!

As always, download these files on our homepage at
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 08:22:59 PM by Megiddo »
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX 3.20 - Certo
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2007, 07:58:54 PM »
Images of the new menus:

Main Menu

Admin Menu

Ban Menu

Ban Menu Detailed (when you click on the 'x')

Client Menu

Maps Menu


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Offline Chironex

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Re: ULX 3.20 - Certo
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2007, 08:10:30 PM »
That's what i call a changelog :D

Nice work

!rate luamasters

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Re: ULX 3.20 - Certo
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2007, 09:11:07 PM »
Get ready for this, and don't get used to it....

Very nice work.

/wash mouth.

Offline maurits150

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Re: ULX 3.20 - Certo
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2007, 06:27:58 AM »
:D EXPLETIVE this looks SOO.. nice!
I love the new GUI menu's and new commands and...
I am REALLY happy that the groups can be easy edited now!
Very good work!! The whole team!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 03:38:03 PM by JamminR »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX 3.20 - Certo
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 06:47:00 AM »
Thanks Maurits150! :)
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.