Author Topic: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...  (Read 3164 times)

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I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« on: October 05, 2007, 08:40:08 PM »
I am thinking about restricting tools to groups on my server..

I searched for it and it seems like a LOT of people have been asking for this.. so I wont ask for it.. well okay.. I kind of will.. but mainly..

I was just curious.. you guys have been saying stuff about implimenting the ulx toolallowgroup and tooldenygroup for a while but it hasn't been done.. is it harder than you expected? or just something that has been overlooked in lieu of more important matters  ;D ;D ;D ;)

Also.. if anyone has working code that will do this.. I'd love you forever...

also.. If I do... 'ulx tooldeny' does the tool it denies only stay denied for the session? or Does it stay denied forever until you allow it again? Also.. same question with the 'ulx tooldenyuser <player>' does this write this access to the user.txt file? or just something until they rejoin the server? I wonder, because if I cant find a way to allow and deny by group, I'll just deny a tool globally and allow it to individual users. I'm sure I could test this for myself.. but it would require a restart.. and I'm lazy... and it's not important so just if anyone knows.. an answer would be appreciated.. =) thanks guys.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 08:43:51 PM by zakap »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 09:37:26 PM »
I am thinking about restricting tools to groups on my server..

I searched for it and it seems like a LOT of people have been asking for this.. so I wont ask for it.. well okay.. I kind of will.. but mainly..

I was just curious.. you guys have been saying stuff about implimenting the ulx toolallowgroup and tooldenygroup for a while but it hasn't been done.. is it harder than you expected? or just something that has been overlooked in lieu of more important matters  ;D ;D ;D ;)

Also.. if anyone has working code that will do this.. I'd love you forever...

also.. If I do... 'ulx tooldeny' does the tool it denies only stay denied for the session? or Does it stay denied forever until you allow it again? Also.. same question with the 'ulx tooldenyuser <player>' does this write this access to the user.txt file? or just something until they rejoin the server? I wonder, because if I cant find a way to allow and deny by group, I'll just deny a tool globally and allow it to individual users. I'm sure I could test this for myself.. but it would require a restart.. and I'm lazy... and it's not important so just if anyone knows.. an answer would be appreciated.. =) thanks guys.

More of something we meant to implement but didn't have time to. It only stays for the session as is right now.
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Re: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 06:05:41 AM »
Boo!!  ;D ;D

Very well... I guess I'll just have to wait...  :'(

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Re: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 01:29:51 PM »
So.. I added some lines to my Server.ini to globally deny tools on startup.. mostly just situational tools that I wanted but didn't want people using all the time.. like lasers, cannons, harpoons, etc etc... this works fine and no one except admins can use them... however..

ULX is not allowing me to globally deny a tool and then user specifically allow it.. like.. I cant restrict it from the server then allow john smith to use it.. only admins..

Is this working as intended? or?

What I am trying to do is like Im sure you've picked up is have these stools on my server for certain times like games or contests, but only allow them to a handful of players who I can trust wont abuse them.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 01:50:13 PM »
That is the intended behavior, yes. The tool allow/deny stuff was thrown in a few versions back just to see if there would be enough interest in it to pursue it.. It seems like users like it, so we'll look into increasing its capabilities.
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Re: I was reading some old threads about a group tool deny...
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2007, 01:56:42 PM »
great.. well I'd love to see it allow me to:
permanently allow a tool to a player that has been globally denied (trusted use of an easily abused tool like lasers and some of malawar's tools) and
permanently disallow a tool to a player that is standard (like revoking dynamite for someone who abuses it, while not affecting the other players with a meager limit or global disabling.)