If on a dedicated server:
Simply edit the file garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/init.lua
function GM:PlayerLoadout( pl )
// Remove any old ammo
if ( server_settings.Bool( "sbox_weapons", true ) ) then
pl:GiveAmmo( 256, "Pistol", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 256, "SMG1", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 5, "grenade", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 64, "Buckshot", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 32, "357", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 32, "XBowBolt", true )
pl:GiveAmmo( 6, "AR2AltFire", true )
pl:Give( "weapon_ar2" )
pl:Give( "weapon_crowbar" )
pl:Give( "weapon_pistol" )
pl:Give( "weapon_smg1" )
pl:Give( "weapon_frag" )
pl:Give( "weapon_physcannon" )
pl:Give( "weapon_crossbow" )
pl:Give( "weapon_shotgun" )
pl:Give( "weapon_357" )
pl:Give( "weapon_rpg" )
pl:Give( "weapon_ar2" )
// The only reason I'm leaving this out is because
// I don't want to add too many weapons to the first
// row because that's where the gravgun is.
//pl:Give( "weapon_stunstick" )
pl:Give( "gmod_tool" )
pl:Give( "gmod_camera" )
pl:Give( "weapon_physgun" )
local cl_defaultweapon = pl:GetInfo( "cl_defaultweapon" )
if ( pl:HasWeapon( cl_defaultweapon ) ) then
pl:SelectWeapon( cl_defaultweapon )
Just simply remove the items you don't want, or change how much ammo you start with...
You can also add in a line saying if the player's steamid is not an admin id, then remove the weapons, else spawn with them all.