Wow, that was amazingly fast response, but that was my fix for SPP lol.
But all the fix is, is me removing the ability to own world props, and Touch world props.
function SPropProtection.PlayerCanTouch(ply, ent)
if(tonumber(SPropProtection["Config"]["toggle"]) == 0 || ent:GetClass() == "worldspawn") then
return true
|| ent:GetClass() == "worldspawn"
Removed this
if(!ent:GetNetworkedString("Owner") || ent:GetNetworkedString("Owner") == "" && !ent:IsPlayer()) then
SPropProtection.PlayerMakePropOwner(ply, ent)
SPropProtection.Nofity(ply, "You now own this prop")
return true
But if the jail already was owned you wouldn't beable to own it as a prisoner