compuwiz, please test the attached file. (Must be logged into the forum to see it)
For now, all it adds is chat (!smban) and console (ulx smban) capability. No menu yet.
This acts exactly like our ulx ban command, and requires at the least 'admin' access by default.
You can use the ulx groupallow "ulx smban" if you want other groups to have it. (Same with individual users 'userallow')
This will not kick the player as our ulx ban does, it only
1) Logs the SMBan if logging is enabled
2) Bans the user using ULib, which gets stored on local server. No kick. This may also get done by SourceMod, but did it for logging reasons and 'just in case'
3) Sends the following to server console.
sm_ban target_steamid time reason
Though ULX logs this as <blah> SMBanned <blah>, I thought you might want SourceMod to always contain who actually banned too.
So, Reason will always contain, at the least "admin_name SMBanned target_name" ... if a reason was actually specified, it will have
"admin_name SMBanned target_name (reason here)"
Let me know what errors you get if this doesn't work.
Let me know if this works too.
Let me know what else you think it needs.
I'm probably going to release this somewhere 'officially' once the kinks get ironed out.