MOOCOW to the list, which apparently wants to euthanize all other mods. It's made by one of our forum users here, so I'll give some constructive criticism:
1. Change the name. Don't know about the others, but MOOCOW was something some of my friends loved to say back in elementary. While it's a perfectly good name in it's own right, people can't help but make associations.
2. Your mod advertisement comes off as "I'm smarter than you all" (IE: "I can do this by having the knowledge of gmod's hooks that other admin mod designers don't."). You won't win users away from any other mods with that attitude.
3. If you want to maintain professionalism, please get your facts straight about other mods.
4. Add some color to your ui. The best ui's come just short of fun to use.

(That is, assuming you're aiming at the ui's like I think you are?)
5. If you don't have it already, make the console commands autocomplete. I can't believe no one really uses this...
Otherwise, good luck on the project!