Though I understand not everyone here may be Christian, Megiddo and I are.
I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas before I forgot and lost my chance.
Though I'll be 'here' (on the 'net) often during the next week, I do have a busier 'away from pc' week than normal.
Just a few tidbits;
I'm off from work all next week.
Today - started prepping chili for tomorrow's festivities.
Saturday(today, many hours from now) - I go to a small town 25 miles away to celebrate with Mom, great aunt/uncle, normal aunt/uncle... non-traditional (for most) Chili and hot tamalies (No, I'm not from mexico or spain.

Sunday - Clean up house/wrap presents for;
Monday mid-day - Inlaws(wife's dad and step-mom) arrive mid-day
Monday night - wife and I go out to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra with friends and my Dad/stepmom/sisters (First time I saw them live was last year, if you EVER get the chance to go, do.)
Tuesday - relax (hopefully) with inlaws.
Wednesday - We're hosting my dad's side family (11 people attending - Dad, stepmom+2 stepsisters, the currently visiting inlaws, aunt/uncle, wife and I. Hmm. That makes 10, wonder who else is coming. Dad finagled us into doing it.
Thursday, Christmas day - Wife and I are going to her mom's 30 miles away for afternoon festivities.
Friday - Hopefully rest at home with the inlaws.
Sat/Sun - not sure. One of those days the inlaws are leaving. Prob very early Sunday, but we've been surprised before.
I pray all of you have a wonderful Holiday.