Wooahhkay everyone, calm down

@gte6495: I'm glad that fixed your problem! I put a tiny check in the code that will prevent that error from happening, and show the users' group as <none> instead.
XGUI DOES handle the saving of any ULib/ULX related stuff, so any update to XGUI via gimps, votemaps, adverts, groups, users, etc., even XGUI's clientside stuff will be saved to the server. (Erm, clientside stuff will be saved on client though).
@Aaron113, gte6495: Didn't know you were talking about sandbox settings, Aaron

. Yeah, XGUI does not do any saving of sandbox-based settings because.. I thought garrysmod would automatically save limit settings through server restarts and whatnot. I'll look into the specifics, and, if needed, will add a method for XGUI to save the sandbox settings.
@CRussian: Yeah, it looks like your XGUI isn't installed in the right location on the server, are you sure the path matches /garrysmod/addons/xgui/lua/ulx/..etc, and that the file garrysmod/addons/xgui/info.txt exists?
If you need to, you can chat with me via steam: