Author Topic: XGUI - Fully featured modular GUI for ULX! (Included with ULX v3.51 and SVN)  (Read 569132 times)

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Offline krooks

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It turns out no command works on this guy named "[MS]xX|±Lo/\\/e\\/\\/ØlF±|Xx" unless I use his steam ID.
Is it possible he is using some client side anti-admin hack? Is that even possible? I've seen some lua hacks popping up lately, mostly wall hacks etc. and I know for a fact that he uses them.
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Offline JamminR

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Possible, but in this case, unlikely.
We've had challenges in the past working with usernames with lots of ascii in them.
That name definitely has a lot.
Thought we fixed all of them.
Several characters in his username actually convert to comment and escape sequences.

Are you able to perform commands through console, using autocomplete/quotes around his name? (ulx blah "<long ascii username>")
If so, XGUI may not be using quite the same text filters ulx uses in passing commands.
If not, we need to see if it's possible to improve ULX's filters.
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Offline Aaron113

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Let me know when you can help me track this issue I'm having.  I've tried several things and no success yet.

Offline krooks

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"no targets found" in auto complete (same as xgui)
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Offline Stickly Man!

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If possible, can you run "status" in your server console then copy/paste the players name from the console output to here? This is to make sure that we get the correct name as it appears via Steam and the Source Engine. I'll see if I can get some time soon to test the name and see what's going on.


Are you talking about the errors from your last two posts in this thread? I'll try to get on steam maybe by thursday, but I've been horribly swamped with homework this week, so I can't guarantee anything right now. I'll give you a heads up as the week goes on.
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Offline Aaron113

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Are you talking about the errors from your last two posts in this thread? I'll try to get on steam maybe by thursday, but I've been horribly swamped with homework this week, so I can't guarantee anything right now. I'll give you a heads up as the week goes on.

I am and sounds good.

Offline krooks

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via status

****** EDIT
I would also like to report that the Ban tab doesn't hold ban information between server restarts/map changes.
The players ARE still banned, but it just doesn't list them. I'm not sure if it was designed to work like this or not, but it would be nice if it read the ban file and showed them all, all the time.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 10:06:46 PM by krooks »
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Offline Aaron113

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via status

****** EDIT
I would also like to report that the Ban tab doesn't hold ban information between server restarts/map changes.
The players ARE still banned, but it just doesn't list them. I'm not sure if it was designed to work like this or not, but it would be nice if it read the ban file and showed them all, all the time.
Are you perhaps getting any start up errors?  I have some errors that I previously mentioned and bans do not load because of them.  I've completely reinstalled ULX. (Removed all lua and data files)  This would just help back up what I was mentioning.

Offline Slipstream

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Hey, awesome plug in this is. I was wondering, how to I make it so a group can target more than one other group, for example:

Owners can target other owners, super admins, admins and users

Super admins can target other super admins, admins and users

Admins can target other admins and users

And users can target other users.

This is basically to prevent people being a*s holes on the higher ranks

Offline krooks

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Ok, so I had a mishap with the server, ended up reformatting the whole thing and losing everything. So now instead of Linux I am running a windows server from scratch.
I *think* the ban issue worked itself out now, we will see come tomorrow.

I had that user change his name, so he took out all the /\\/ stuff, and made regular letters, and it worked, so I think the problem was either those slashes or the O with the line through it causing the problems. I'd assume it was the slashes though, since those are often used in commenting etc.
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Hey, awesome plug in this is. I was wondering, how to I make it so a group can target more than one other group

You can set the "can_target" field when making the new groups-- you can find more information about it here:,4314.0.html

Ok, so I had a mishap with the server, ended up reformatting the whole thing and losing everything. So now instead of Linux I am running a windows server from scratch.
I *think* the ban issue worked itself out now, we will see come tomorrow.

I had that user change his name, so he took out all the /\\/ stuff, and made regular letters, and it worked, so I think the problem was either those slashes or the O with the line through it causing the problems. I'd assume it was the slashes though, since those are often used in commenting etc.

Yeah, it could have been an issue with your ban file-- Not sure how it got there though.
And I'm still waiting to get a good chunk of free time to test that username and see if I can find any bugs with it.
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Offline Church121

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how do I install this on my server?
And where do I get the downloads for it?

Offline JamminR

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Xgui is now part of ULX SVN, our 'beta but might as well be new stable release' codebase.
See the SVN section of these forums for access/how to. Several 'sticky' posts are there.
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Offline krooks

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XGUI just keeps getting better and better!
I'm starting to really get a feel for it, and I'm seeing all that it can do. The latest is the the Teams setup.

It looks like it places the team information in the actual groups.txt file, does this mean Uteam is now obsolete?

Also, a command to deny noclip to certain teams would be handy. Knowing you guys, you already have it and I'm just not seeing it  :P
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Offline Aaron113

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It looks like it places the team information in the actual groups.txt file, does this mean Uteam is now obsolete?
Yes, UTeam was integrated with ulx a while ago.