Author Topic: XGUI - Fully featured modular GUI for ULX! (Included with ULX v3.51 and SVN)  (Read 569080 times)

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Good work! :)
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YUP! It's nice.  ;D
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Love the updates and the whole XGUI, thanks sticky man!

Offline Stickly Man!

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And thank you all for using it! ;D

Update time!

This update took me much, MUCH longer than I had planned, and I still didn't get everything I wanted to done. (i.e. Ban filtering/searching)

This update was mostly a huge backend update to client->server data processing and finally allows modules to integrate with the server-side portion of XGUI. I also changed how modules are connected via XGUI (probably for the last time), therefore any existing third party mods for XGUI will be broken until the authors fix them. I also split most of the code in xgui_server.lua file into various files found in /lua/ulx/xgui/server/.

Other cool changes include full ban editing (you can now edit the name, reason, AND unban date!), and I integrated it all with the Add Ban window, for familiarity and efficiency! Also included is a special safety check to make sure you don't accidentally remove xgui_managegroups, ulx groupallow, etc. from yourself which will prevent you from easily getting it back. (It shows a nice, big warning!) I also fixed a number of bugs, and also left some bugfixes unchanged (can't remember which bugs were caused by the backend update.. :o )

All in all, this update may bring about a few bugs I haven't yet noticed, so be sure to report back with any issues you have!
Check for ULX rev 163!

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+Added: Safety check: XGUI shows a warning when you are about to remove access to xgui_managegroups, or ulx groupallow, ulx userdeny, etc. from yourself.
+Added: Serverside XGUI code is now modular!
+Added: "xgui xban" and "xgui fban" are now console commands.
+Added: XGUI command info to ulx help
*Changed: You can now fully edit bans and change the name, reason, and ban length all from one window!
*Changed: Added automatic word-wrapping to a few more places.
*Changed: Ban details window now updates when changes to the ban is made.
*Changed: Ban details window stays open when you click "edit bans"
*Changed: Merged sv_ulx.lua into server.lua
*Changed: Major backend overhaul adding modularity support for server-side code and improved client-side modules.
*Changed: Split xgui_server.lua into seperate files on a per-module basis.
*Changed: Backend code modularizing xgui "datatypes", changed backend data transfers, and data updating functionality.
=Fixed: Small bug where the "Apply Restrictions" button had the wrong label in certain circumstances.
=Fixed: Source Engine bans are now showing up again!
=Fixed: Bug when trying to edit UTeam parameters that were loaded from empty_teams.txt
=Fixed: XLIB: Label wouldn't properly accept the width parameter.
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Offline krooks

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yeeehaw, thanks mr stickly!  8)
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Small bugfix update with a strange issue some people were getting. Many more bugfixes hopefully coming soon!

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=Fixed an issue where xgui would not be able to properly get its installed status.
=Fixed an occasional error with votemaps throwing an error on startup.
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Aaaand here they are, more bugfixes! Let me know if you guys run into any more, and also provide steps to reproduce the bugs if possible, it would help loads!


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=Fixed: Groups module not showing admins added via garry's users.txt
=Fixed: Could not update adverts
=Fixed: XGUI and related commands are now listed on ulx help
=Fixed: Some XGUI accesses (like xgui_gmsettings) were not showing in the permissions menu.
=Fixed: The transparancy on the infobar was incorrect when loading color settings from clientside file.
=Fixed: Minor issues relating to some data transfers being sent too early.
*Changed: Minor code optimizations
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Offline Stickly Man!

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D'oh. Stupid bug on my part.

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=Fixed: Major bug that prevented xgui from loading on clients (Thanks Solonari!)
=Fixed: Minor bug that threw a lua error when _xgui command was run with no parameters
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Quadruple bugfix update post! *PSShhhhhhwwwvvvooooommm!!* (fancy sound effect)

As far as I can tell, there are no known major bugs after this version, and this will hopefully be the version we release with. Please let us know if you run into any more bugs!

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*Changed: UTeam minimum run/walk speed to be 1 (0 has no effect)
*Changed: UTeam default jump value to 200-- Gmod reports 160 as being default, but when set to 160, it's too low. 200 Represents the default value.
=Fixed: Multi-choice Cvars (i.e. ulx_logEcho) randomly show "Invalid Convar Value" in XGUI after startup.
=Fixed: XGUI wouldn't send data to clients who were connected, banned, unbanned, and rejoined in the same server session.
=Fixed: Errors when running ulx adduser, ulx removeuser, and a few other ulx commands with no parameters specified.
=Fixed: Warning when trying to add/remove a bot's group from XGUI-- use ulx adduser/ulx removeuser via console instead.

UPDATE: A few more fixes for ULX 3.51

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=Fixed: Votemaps and kick/ban reasons were not getting refreshed properly.
=Fixed: Ban menu was visible to all players (but not all players could see bans)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 09:39:27 PM by Stickly Man! »
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Seriously, why didn't I find any of these bugs before we actually released?  >:(

Oh well, at least they're getting fixed!  ;D

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5/14/2011 (rev 176)
=Changed: Added a data chunksize to users to help alleviate some major lag issues on servers with large users lists.
=Fixed: Error caused when a bans unban time was changed, causing the ban to expire.
=Fixed: Adding details to SBans would throw an error on server, wouldn't refresh on clients properly.
=Fixed: Expired bans were not removing themselves from the client lists.
=Fixed: Somehow managed to duplicate the entire bans module code within the same file. X|
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Sure is quiet around these parts! But I'll faithfully notify those who pay attention for updates!  ;D

In this update, I fixed a few small errors and removed the check to warn if a pre-svn version of XGUI was installed. I also made it possible for the groups tab to load the list of groups in "offline mode" (even though there's little functionality, it still beats a blank window!)

And the biggest change in this revision is that I super-optimized the data transfer for the "users" datatype-- Previously (due to some lazy programming :o), the ULib users table was being sent to admins on UCLChanged, which gets called far more often than needed for the users table. A friend of mine's server had an extremely large users list, so it started to cause some noticeable issues. Now, the users table is only sent when a user is added/removed from a group, and when changed, it only sends the small bit of info of the admin that was modified. Yay!

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5/17/2011 (rev 177)
*Changed: Groups on the groups module load regardless of whether XGUI was able to recieve data from server or not.
*Changed: Optimized sending of ULib users data-- Only sends the data when it needs to (no longer on UCLChanged), and when changed, only sends the updated info.
=Fixed: Rare error causing votemap settings to not load properly (which was previously fixable after a mapchange)
=Fixed: The button for scrolling through tab names of settings modules (if there were too many) was being obscured by the close button. (Thanks [eVo]Lead4u!)
-Removed: xgui_oldcheck.lua (No longer checks for a pre-svn version of XGUI installed.)
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Offline krooks

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Careful, THEY might hear ya!
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Zzzz. Huh?! What? Oh! Nice..an upda...ooooh....shiny sparkles.
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Hehe :P

So much for my planned "One whole page of me posting updates!" Oh well. This update is laying out some groundwork for some future clientside modules that I or others may have in mind. I ran out of time today, but more is coming within the next few days!

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5/18/2011 (rev 178)
+Added: XLIB: Additional control layout for xlib.makecolorpicker with alphabar.
*Changed: XGUI module now the "Clientside Settings Module", which now contains the XGUI settings.
=Fixed: Selected svsetting/clsetting modules no longer close when XGUI modules get reprocessed.
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Offline krooks

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Ya shouldn't have said anything, taunting us you were!
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