I think that for the most part you have included all of the most used convars, so I don't think there are to many that have yet to be added.
The "start a server-wide vote of the selected maps" feature is glorious.
Also, something I forgot to mention in my earlier post.
Most if not all of the ulx convars you have are not written correctly.
You have included an underscore between ulx and <var> which causes them to return as unknown.
For example,
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makecheckbox{ label="Enable Player Votemaps", convar="ulx_votemapEnabled" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Minimum Time", min=10, max=10,convar="ulx_votemapMintime", tooltip="Time in minutes after a map change before a votemap can be started" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Wait Time", min=5, max=5, decimal=1, convar="ulx_votemapWaitTime", tooltip="Time in minutes after voting for a map before you can change your vote" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Success Ratio", min=0.7, max=0.7, decimal=2, convar="ulx_votemapSuccessratio", tooltip="Ratio of votes needed to consider a vote successful.Votes for map / Total players" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Minimum Votes", min=3, max=3, convar="ulx_votemapMinvotes", tooltip="Minimum number of votes needed to change a level" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Veto Time", min=30, max=30, convar="ulx_votemapVetotime", tooltip="Time in seconds after a map change before an admin can veto the mapchange" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makelabel{ label="Server-wide Votemap Settings" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Success Ratio", min=0, max=1, decimal=2, convar="ulx_votemap2Successratio", tooltip="Ratio of votes needed to consider a vote successful.Votes for map / Total players" } )
xgmp_settings_votemap:AddItem( x_makeslider{ label="Minimum Votes", min=0, max=10, convar="ulx_votemap2Minvotes", tooltip="Minimum number of votes needed to change a level" } )
Should all have the underscores replaced with a space, so then they would be
convar="ulx votemapEnabled"
convar="ulx votemapMintime"
convar="ulx votemapWaitTime"
convar="ulx votemapSuccessratio"
convar="ulx votemapMinvotes"
convar="ulx votemapVetotime"
convar="ulx votemap2Successratio"
convar="ulx votemap2Minvotes"
Which will stop them from returning as unknown.