Author Topic: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???  (Read 4087 times)

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Offline tassieboy

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non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:09:32 PM »
im realy new to running a server and im just a little bit hesatant to changing what i have just done

i need to update from the normal ulib to svn ulib so i can run urestrict on the server to remove the dam anoying guns  and the prop spawner ect...

but i realy need to know if i can run svn ulib with my normal ulx or do i have to have them both on svn  because thereis no point me doing it and finding out it dont work then find my self with no ulx and no pwr to deal with ppl intill i fix it 

im about to go make back ups of uteam.txt groups.text and the ulib users.txt the 3 main files that have caused me so much frustration over the last 2 days  im not losing them they took way to long to get right  althow i think my understanding of them has improved alot.

ARRR i did it again i rambled eek  just a nice easy answer plz and i have searched and i failed (i do it alot)

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 06:22:35 PM »
Simple answer - no.

Bit Longer answer - ULib, library ULX runs on, rewritten to be optimized (much more involved than that, but that's simplest explanation)
Therefore, ULX rewritten even more to use new optimized command structure

New command structure in SVN ULib not compatible with old ULX.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 07:33:26 PM »
It's usually backwards compatible, but there's been major changes, so no. :P
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Offline tassieboy

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 08:00:38 PM »
ok that's fine then ill just have to do both the ulx and the ulib

any recommendations no how i go about removing ulx and ulib because i know they have a lot of files in lots of different places 

1 more thing will my group.txt , users.text still work with ulib and ulx when i upgrade

only other thing im worried about is the uteam because i know that used ulib

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 08:13:10 PM »
Remove addons\ulx and addons\ulib, then copy the new SVN folders there to addons.
Though the format of groups.txt and users.txt between svn and release is different, ULib will create/convert the old one.
Safest way though is from scratch if you don't have many users/groups. Just remove \data\ULib after backing it up.
Don't just back it up and then recopy over the new data files. That will break it.
Try leaving them there first and letting ULib do it's conversions.
Before running server on SVN the first time, you may wish to delete data/misc_registered.txt

Oh, and by the way, since you seem to hate FAQs so much, I wanted to point out... the answer I just answered again for you is in a FAQ.

I just gave more detail since you're re-installing

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Offline tassieboy

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 08:22:13 PM »
that's my whole point exactly its lack of detail in the FAQ  don't get me wrong there is some handy stuff in there and some good answers  but some times its a little hard to find.

and i never said i hated it i was just pointing out that it could be better.

******************************** EDIT **********************************

here is a list of what i did

1 made 2 folders 1 ulib 1 ulx  and svn checked out ulx and ulib 2 them
2 opend up ftp and backed up the whole gmod/data/ulib folder to my local machine
3 turned server off (realised it was on grr)
3b backed up ulx and ulib from addons
4removed ulx and ulib from addons
5 added the svn ulib and ulx to addons folder
6 removed data/misc_registered.txt
7 turned server on

8 started gmod entered server looked at tab uteam is working fine tried and admin ulx command it failed told me i do not have access logic points to groups.text went and opened it. and attached is what i seen  (note i did not remove the old groups.text i left it there for ulib to convert )  after a quick look at the file i noticed that all the inherits said user so this would brake the line of command and causing me not to have access i quicky fixed the inherits .........................

and it shows that i have my commands again surprise i fixed it now 4 other ppl that had problems going from non svn to the svn versions  proves they had no dam clue how it works and most likly coped and pasted and maybe a few small edits  instead of fully understanding what they were doing its not that hard sure the update made a problem but it was not hard to fix..

if you really need help send me a pm here i will gladly help any 1 that is upgrading to the svn its the best (and cool 2)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 10:53:34 PM by tassieboy »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2009, 08:21:23 AM »
You only half-heartedly uninstalled it, that's why your groups file got messed up. You needed to remove the files from data as well when uninstalling.

ULib thought your groups file was already updated to the new format so it didn't remove the inherits or allows, initially. Then when it went to validate your file it found that the inherit value was bad, so it just set it back to inherit from "user".
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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2009, 03:16:12 PM »
He followed my not fully clear direction. I wasn't aware ULib checked for misc_registered, and if not found, presumed groups.txt was already converted.
I said in one sentence if not much, totally remove. (Always best advice with computers/data files and reinstallation of anything!)
Then in next sentence I recommended removing misc_registered.
My apologies. :)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 03:18:15 PM by JamminR »
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Offline tassieboy

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Re: non svn ulx with svn ulib will it work ???
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2009, 05:08:49 PM »
that's ok im just glad  that it did not totally screw every thing up and the end problem was an easy fix