Author Topic: Ulib Broken?  (Read 2184 times)

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Offline Terminator

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Ulib Broken?
« on: March 25, 2010, 02:08:51 PM »
Ever since the 20th of March, Ulib has seemed to have gone on the fritz on my server.  Whenever I start it up it seems to not initialize properly and thus causes the UPS and ULX to cease functioning as well. I can still do some limited commands with ULX till for some reason, but not through any chat commands.

Here is the start-up log:
100.4 fps  0/25 on map freespace06_v2-1
INIParser:new - File stargate/user_config.ini does not exist!
Loading: stargate/server/entity.lua
Loading: stargate/server/ini_parser.lua
Loading: stargate/server/protection.lua
Loading: stargate/server/spawner.lua
Loading: stargate/server/teleport.lua
Loading: stargate/server/tool.lua
Loading: stargate/server/wire_rd.lua
//      Ulysses Library      //
// Loading...                //
//  shared/defines.lua       //
//  shared/misc.lua          //
//  shared/util.lua          //
//  server/upgrade.lua       //
//  shared/hook.lua          //
//  server/gamemode_hooks.lua//
//  shared/table.lua         //
//  shared/player.lua        //
//  server/player.lua        //
//  shared/messages.lua      //
//  shared/commands.lua      //
//  server/concommand.lua    //
//  server/util.lua          //
//  shared/sh_ucl.lua        //
//  server/ucl.lua           //
ULib/server/ucl.lua:148: attempt to index local 'userInfo' (a string value)
//  server/phys.lua          //
//  server/player_ext.lua    //
//  server/entity_ext.lua    //
// Load Complete!            //
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
//       ULX Admin Mod       //
// Loading...                //
//  sh_defines.lua           //
//  lib.lua                  //
//  base.lua                 //
//  sh_base.lua              //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  log.lua                  //
ulx\base.lua:25: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
//  MODULE: slots.lua        //
ulx\base.lua:25: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
//  MODULE: votemap.lua      //
ulx\base.lua:25: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
//  MODULE: chat.lua         //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: fun.lua          //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: menus.lua        //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: rcon.lua         //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: teleport.lua     //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: user.lua         //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: userhelp.lua     //
//  MODULE: util.lua         //
ULib/shared/commands.lua:1084: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
//  MODULE: vote.lua         //
ulx\base.lua:25: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
//  end.lua                  //
// Load Complete!            //
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ups_init.lua
||    Ulysses Prop Share(UPS)    ||
|| Loading...                    ||
||  sh_defines.lua               ||
||  sh_lib.lua                   ||
ups\sh_lib.lua:12: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
||  lib.lua                      ||
||  sh_friends.lua               ||
||  base.lua                     ||
ups\base.lua:9: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil value)
||  MODULE: gm_fix.lua           ||
||  MODULE: map_protect.lua      ||
ups\modules/map_protect.lua:4: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil val
||  MODULE: player_disable.lua   ||
ups\modules/player_disable.lua:11: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil
||  MODULE: player_leave.lua     ||
ups\modules/player_leave.lua:6: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a nil va
||  MODULE: restrict.lua         ||
||  MODULE: cppi.lua             ||
|| Load Complete!                ||
===  Wire  2091   Installed  ===
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
autorun/server/release_npcanimv11.lua:692: unexpected symbol near '='
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_NoItems
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_DisallowedClasses
Added EntCheckHook: AdvDupe_ModelCheck
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.85 server module installed! ====
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
ScriptEnforce is disabled
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
Loading Wire Tools
entities\mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb/shared.lua:6: unfinished string near '"R
-- Error PARSING CLIENTSIDE file -------------------------
- File: entities\mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb/shared.lua
entities\mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb\shared.lua:6: unfinished string near '"R
OnRemove        =       function: 019C0668
TriggerInput    =       function: 019C03B0
Folder  =       entities/mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb
SpawnFunction   =       function: 019C03C8
Think   =       function: 019C0638
Initialize      =       function: 019C0320
PhysicsCollide  =       function: 019C0620
OnTakeDamage    =       function: 019C0650
MakeNuke        =       function: 01E112C0
Use     =       function: 019C0680
Couldn't register Scripted Entity mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb - the Type fiel
d is empty!
ERROR: Hook 'ULXDoCfg' Failed: ulx\end.lua:65: attempt to call field 'votemapAdd
Map' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXDoCfg'
Executing dedicated server config file
Unknown command "ServerSettings"
Unknown command "{"
Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
Unknown command "sbox_maxsents"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_turret"
Unknown command "}"
Timer Error: ULib/shared/player.lua:9: attempt to call field 'registerAccess' (a
 nil value)
Adding master server
Adding master server
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
ulx help
ULX Help:
If a command can take multiple targets, it will usually let you use the keywords
 '*' for target
all, '^' to target yourself, '@' for target your picker, and '%<group>' for targ
etting groups. IE,
ulx slap %user slaps all players who are in the default guest access group. Any
of these keywords
can be preceded by '!' to negate it. IE, ulx slap !^ slaps everyone but you.
You can also separate multiple target by commas. IE, ulx slap bob,jeff,henry.
All commands must be preceded by "ulx ", ie "ulx slap"

Command Help:

Category: Menus
        o ulx menu - (say: !menu)

Category: Fun
        o ulx slap <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - (say: !slap)

Category: Teleport
        o ulx bring <player> - (say: !bring)

Category: User Management
        o ulx usermanagementhelp

Category: Rcon
        o ulx rcon {command} - (say: !rcon)

Category: Chat
        o ulx psay <player> {message} - (say: !p)

Category: Utility
        o ulx help - Shows this help.
        o ulx who

-End of help
ULX version: <SVN> revision 91

Client "((()-½G-ºSF-+Terminator[SMU]" connected (
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
Invalid command entered. If you need help, please type "ulx help" in your consol
game.ConsoleCommand blocked!
INIParser:parse - File stargate/gatespawner_maps/freespace06_v2-1.ini successful
ly parsed
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model models/zup/stargate/stargate_gring.mdl
ERROR: Hook 'sendMapAutoComplete' Failed: ULib/shared/sh_ucl.lua:46: [ULIB] Unau
thed player
Removing Hook 'sendMapAutoComplete'
ERROR: Hook 'ULib_saycmd' Failed: ULib/shared/sh_ucl.lua:46: [ULIB] Unauthed pla
Removing Hook 'ULib_saycmd'
((()-½G-ºSF-+Terminator[SMU]: !menu
((()-½G-ºSF-+Terminator[SMU]: !slap term
ulx slap term
ulx slap term
Dropped ((()-½G-ºSF-+Terminator[SMU] from server (Disconnect by user.)

The slap command from console physically knocked me around in the server a little, but it produced no notifications or actual damage.

List of Addons on the server:
-PHX 3 (SVN)                                       -HL2 Weapon/Item Spawnlist
-Wire Mod (SVN)                                  -Moblie Spawn point V2
-Generic Defaults Combat (SVN)          -Sakarais' Jetpack and Weapon Seats
-Huey Addon (SVN)                              -NPC Control 2
-Bf2 Buggy Addon                                -Nuke Pack 4
-Full Stargate Addon                            -Parachute Addon
-Combine APC SNPC                            -Aurora Cannon Swep
-Climb-rope tool                                   -Special Effects Addon
-CSS Realistic Weapons 4.0                 -Enhanced AI
-Cheesylard's Machinma hands            -Player Factions Addon
-Flyable Combine Heli                           -Catmull-Rom Cenimatic Cameras
-Fixed Fall Damage Mod                        -ULib (SVN)
-Hatmaker (PAC) Addon (SVN)              -ULX (SVN)
-Gcombat 08                                         -UPS (SVN)
-VU Mod                                                -Handheld Healthkit Swep

I know its a ridiculous amount of addons but I'm simply trying to provide as much info as I can. Also, to my knowledge no addons or SVNs were updated on the 20th. I've also deleted and reinstalled the ULX, ULib, and UPS folders with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given