We've asked you to delete your server's /data/ULib/groups.txt and restart the server. You've apparently manually edited the groups file or used addgroup and messed up the inheritance chain.
Also, make sure you are not editing any files in your server /addons/ULib or ULX folders. Editing any of those files can break the original.
If you wish to edit any of the configuration of ulx, copy the original stuff to /data just as almost all of the original files say to first.
We're having trouble understanding your exact issues because you give us little details, or what detail you give us is poorly reported.
We have a FAQs section that has step by step instructions for troubleshooting access issues. Though you claim in your first post that you've 'read everything', you give little indication that you've actually followed any of the instructions in them (including the exact step we asked you to follow about deleting the file)
As for phygun issues, you are running many mods. It is common that once you get your groups access sorted out, if the physgun is still an issue, it is a conflicting mod or perhaps even the game mode.