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Player Title II - Name and Title Display

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--- Quote from: JamminR on July 04, 2010, 10:23:23 AM ---It can be done.
Lavacano would just need to add the feature/function.

--- End quote ---

...but I like the default! D-:

Wait. What I can do is turn them off until a certain distance (like when the names are fairly fuzzed out, even when visible), then turn them on. Maybe work the titles in there as well...heck, maybe I'll even make a clientside convar for the whole thing!

I say method to turn on or off.
That way, you and those who like them on can leave them on.
Those who don't can turn them off. :)

Here's what I was thinking with the convars (all clientside):

(Player Title: Target ID) plti_tgtid <0|1|2> (default 1):
 - 0 = Turn off target IDs completely.
 - 1 = Disable target IDs until a certain distance (defined in plti_iddist, explained later)
 - 2 = Leave target IDs on, no matter the distance.

(Player Title: ID Distance) plti_iddist (default undetermined):
 - If the target you're looking at is closer to you than the value entered in this convar, disable the target ID. Else, let it come up.
 - The default is currently undetermined, numberwise, but I will figure out what number to use with an E2 and an unsuspecting player (probably my server's SourceTV bot)

Pictures please.


--- Quote from: Buggzie on July 09, 2010, 08:05:14 AM ---Pictures please.

--- End quote ---

Working on it. Done! (And yes, the name of the guy who executed the command is colored by his team color)


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