Author Topic: ULX not working with the Fadmin?  (Read 12306 times)

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Offline fredrik

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ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« on: February 11, 2012, 12:34:19 PM »
My problem is that I can't use ulx on my server. When I push the bidden key for xgui I get this message: "your ulx player has not been authed!" I think this is happening duo some conflict between different admin mods.

my server is  running Darkrp which comes with the Fadmin mod (Probably that's where the conflict is). I get the ulx to work if I put the assmod in the server, which is fine for me anyways. but when I put the assmod in I can't use any jobs or do anything on the darkrp mode.

I read in Fadmin's FAQ that you have to put yourself root_user through Fadmin to gain access to ULX, but that didn't solved the problem either. I also read many topics about this same problem on the internet but no solution seems to solve the problem. I tried deleting ulx and ulib and then updating them agian (im using SVN) but with no luck  :-\

I added some pictures as attachment.

Please help me !

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 01:54:47 PM »
Please run, from server console, with your own player connected to the server, the "ulx debuginfo" command.
It will tell you where it places a txt file. Report back with the data, attaching the file to your post, or using BB code tags [code]<results here>[/code].

If you get an error when running the command, give us the error, and the server startup log errors.
Or, is this a listen server, as that screenshot is from a game client console.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 01:57:46 PM by JamminR »
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 02:42:29 PM »
Okey. It seems like the ulx don't recognized me as superadmin, so I wasn't giving access.

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 03:08:50 PM »
Please run the command from your server console.
Not your client/game console. Or, is this a listen server? (which, you're running the server from your game)
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2012, 03:18:22 PM »
no, it is a dedicated server. here's the debug file.

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2012, 05:15:22 PM »
Hmm, quick review seems like the server sees you fine, which means the error is on client side.
Do you happen to have an older version of ULX and ULib on your local machine?
If so, remove them, try reconnecting. (Your local Gmod must be exited first of course)
If that doesn't fix it, do you happen to have PAC addon installed on your local game?
We've seen it cause trouble with auth many times. (Just search for PAC from our main front forum page and you'll see)

If not PAC or old ULib/ULX, try clearing your local game cache.
Do this by shutting down Garry's mod on your local machine,
Quit steam.
Then delete all the files/folders (backup first) in your <local machine gmod>\cache folder.
Then starting everything up and reconnect to your server.

I'd actually check to see if you have PAC first, as it's more likely to cause client issues than having an older locally installed version of ULib and ULX.
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2012, 06:02:16 PM »
I tried all off your options, but none of them solved the problem. I still get the player not authed message. I couldn't  find any PAC addon on my server folder and pretty sure that I haven't downloaded that either. deleting ulx/ulib folder and clearing up the cache folder didn't work either :(

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2012, 08:26:20 PM »
couldn't  find any PAC addon on my server folder and pretty sure that I haven't downloaded that either. deleting ulx/ulib folder and clearing up the cache folder didn't work either :(
You tried these locally, right, not on the server. (I can tell you didn't have PAC installed on the server, it's not on the debuginfo dump.)
The cache file I mention to try deleting is your local machine, not the server.
When youi rejoin the servers, it rebuilds on your machine.

Also, though you're using the latest (SVN) versions of ULib and ULX on your server, are you absolutely sure you have the latest version of DarkRP?
I found this - http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5142.msg22601.html#msg22601 - which basically says both we(Megiddo) and FTPje(DarkRP maintainer) made changes to fix an authentication bug a year ago.

Also, does your server's cache folder get updated automatically on your FASTDL? (Or do you even have fastDL)
If not, you need to upload your server's cache to the FASTDL host cache area.
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2012, 04:58:04 AM »
I did deleted the cache file on my local machine, but didn't work. And I tried to update the darkRP folder and some new files were added, didn't work either. I do have fastDL on my server that I update manually and I assured me that I had the cache files updated.

I tried something on my local machine. I found out that I didn't have the Ulib folder in my data folder in gmod. so I transferred the ulib folder from my server pc, to my local pc with a memory stick with no success.  :(

This problem seems to be impossible to solve.

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2012, 09:57:14 AM »
Challenging, yes, but not impossible.

When manually updating your FastDL cache, your copying the cache from your server (not your client) to your file host DL location, right?
(This would normally be a 2 step process. Copy server/cache folder to your local machine (Desktop/etc), then upload to the host DL server.)

I notice you have another admin (at least, according to your debug file). Does that person have problems?

As for the data/ULib folder not being on your local machine, that is most likely due to you never having run a local/listen server.
If you have run a listen server with ULib installed, most likely, the same error is preventing data files from being created.

The only other option I'd suggest, and yes, it would take a long time, is the following.
First, because I believe it's a local issue, let's not bother your server users (other than seeing you reconnect many times)
All locally -
Shut down Gmod.
Shut down Steam.
Delete all files in your <local path gmod>\cache folder.
Move most your <local path gmod>\addon\<folders here> to a backup folder. Leave only the ones made by garry for valve games.
(those are counter-strike, day-of-defeat, hl2_ep2, left4dead, left4dead2, portal, tf2. and zps)
Start steam, start Gmod, connect to your server. It will take a bit longer of course to connect, because it has to rebuild your local cache.
See if you get the error.

If that does work, start the cycle of shutting down Gmod, copy back one or two at a time (NO MORE) of the addons you moved back to <your local gmod path>\addons folder, restart Gmod, connect to your server.
When you've added back the (I'm suspecting) addon that causes the issue, you'll start getting the error again.
Go back, remove it.
Report to us what it was.

If that doesn't work;
Now is the time you'll have to bother people that want to connect to your server.
Password protect it to keep people from joining during your testing.
Do the same as above. Remove all addons except valve ones, reupdate your fastdl cache every server restart/addon change.
After removing all the addons and updating fastdl cache, connect.
If error, we've at least determined its gamemode/fadmin/ulib issue.
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 03:31:13 AM »

I tried the first option you said on your last reply and it worked :DDDD

Thanks for the help man :D

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 06:38:37 PM »
Wait, what, which one?
You were uploading your local cache to the FastDL?
Removed all local addons?
Place hem back one at a time? Find out which was actually breaking it?
Let us know?
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Offline fredrik

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 05:35:44 AM »
I removed all my addons and deleted all the files in the cache folder. then I started gmod and connected my server and it worked :D

But I'm having another problem with my server to actually. It has nothing to do with Ulx mod, but I though since we first into talking about my server I could maybe bring it up :)

So people are getting this error when the log on to my server "Your map [rp_bangclaw.bsp] Differs from the servers". me to sometimes. could you maybe help me with this to. I would be in big debt to you if you can help me with this one too. 

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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2012, 02:49:48 PM »
Can't help you really.
That means someone named the same name for different versions of the map.

As for the addons, try adding one back at a time, restart game, connect to server.
Then let us know which one finally stops letting it work.
You might help many more people avoid your issue.
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Re: ULX not working with the Fadmin?
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 08:03:49 PM »
The map one is quite easy to fix. 2 options.

1. Rename the map on your server to something you KNOW is unique. As long as the map is in your fast download folder they will download a new copy and all is well.

2. Instruct your users who are getting this message to delete their version of the map and download a new copy from the server.

just in case you didn't know... files in your fastDL folder on the server can be in bz2 file format. For instance, instead of having Map1.bsp which is 60MB large. You could have Map1.bsp.bz2 which might only be 23MB large. This is the only form of compression that source engine supports but it can save you a LOAD of bandwidth and your users time connecting when download large files.