We've had several reports of this in the past, although much less common recently. I'm not sure it's related to HLSW though.
Can you send your garrysmod/data/bans.txt (perhaps any backups of this if you had one before it was messed up) and garrysmod/cfg/banned_users.cfg files to me and Megiddo via PM or email team@ulyssesmod.net?
Generally, this error has popped up due to a corrupt entry being somehow (haven't figured that out yet) added to bans.txt. When the file parser gets to that ban, it freaks out and doesn't parse the rest of the bans. If you're using XGUI to check the banlist, then yes, you won't see all of the bans unless you click the "View Source Bans" button at the bottom-right corner of the bans window.
But the actual bans.txt file is 80kb smaller?
A lot of the bans which are still in the file after the "reset" takes place are changed in to this type of format:
"unban" 0
What I'm assuming happened is that the bans.txt file didn't get parsed completely, then a new bans.txt file was saved over the old one, thus removing any information about the bans that didn't get parsed. However, the SteamIDs still exist in source's banned_users.cfg file. Therefore, the next time you started the server, ULX recreated entries in bans.txt for the SteamIDs that didn't get parsed initially.
So, in a nutshell: A bunch of bans in your bans.txt file lost their information such as name, date banned, who banned them, etc, but you should not have actually lost any bans (except maybe the 1 that caused the problem).
As for the solution-- well, hopefully it didn't set you back too much, and hopefully you had a recent backup of your bans.txt

I'm going to bring this up with Megiddo again, and if you can supply the bans file for us, then that would be very helpful.