Author Topic: New Server  (Read 2747 times)

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Offline PIXeL_92

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New Server
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:19:58 PM »
Hey Guys,

Right I am a complete noob when it comes to setting up a Gmod server, I have set up other game servers before fine but nothing with addons like DarkRP. So I have been scouring the internet with trying to find help and so far you look like the only option that know what they are talking about.

So anyway I have bought a Gmod server assuming everything would be a piece of cake, but boy was I wrong. I have the basics set up so it is running the map, game mode, admins set up (Basic/Default settings.) But there are other parts that I am still not sure on so I will make a list below and if anyone can help I would appreciate it and I can offer admin on my server in return.

1 - I keep getting errors like this when I join my server but not when I join others - ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatorprotect doesn't point to an existing ConVar. How do I resolve these ?
2 - How do I change printers so they are the smaller ones that count the money and don't spit it out at configured intervals?
3 - How do I get admins to spawn with cop weapons ? I have the query set as true but it doesn't work.
4 - How do I get it so the weapons and players arms aren't small and so you don't have to aim down the site left handed, I want it right handed and the choice to shoot down the site or not.
5 - How do I fix this issue ? I am super admin but I can't set these - You need the rp_doorManipulation privilege
6 - How do I set jail possitions.

I am sorry to ask all this but like I said I thought I would be able to do it after all the other game servers I have owned.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: New Server
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 09:42:02 AM »
1 - this "error" is irrelevant is not indicating that anything is wrong.

As for the others, I am not familiar enough with DarkRP to answer, but perhaps someone else on the forums may be.
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Offline PIXeL_92

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Re: New Server
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 11:51:15 AM »
Cheers for the reply :D