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Groups vs. Teams - Why having an owner group is useless and stupid

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Aharon Tager:
Honestly, the way I do it on my server is to have a ranks ladder (user < member < regular < veteran < vip < vip+ < mod < head mod < admin < head admin) with all of those inheriting from the one under them and the default groups (operator = mod, admin = admin) sitting in their place. Then there are 2 groups, manager (myself) and owner (the 2 owners) who inherit from superadmin which can therefore remain untouched and still work fine for the code. i have yet to run into any issues with this configuration and if any of the ULX team members see a potential issue, please post and tell me what it is. This was the simplest way I could think of to have multiple groups with superadmin access yet different teams for displaying on the scoreboard and such.

Caustic Soda-Senpai:

--- Quote from: Aharon Tager on June 23, 2015, 10:34:38 PM ---Honestly, the way I do it on my server is to have a ranks ladder (user < member < regular < veteran < vip < vip+ < mod < head mod < admin < head admin) with all of those inheriting from the one under them and the default groups (operator = mod, admin = admin) sitting in their place. Then there are 2 groups, manager (myself) and owner (the 2 owners) who inherit from superadmin which can therefore remain untouched and still work fine for the code. i have yet to run into any issues with this configuration and if any of the ULX team members see a potential issue, please post and tell me what it is. This was the simplest way I could think of to have multiple groups with superadmin access yet different teams for displaying on the scoreboard and such.

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You seem to misunderstand.

--- Quote from: JamminR on March 28, 2014, 01:03:40 PM ---GMOD expects superadmin to be root.

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Which means GMOD ITSELF expects superadmin to be the highest group. Meaning that, given the proper circumstances, a player with superadmin access will have power over someone with "owner" status. Simply because that's how Garry made it.


--- Quote from: Aharon Tager on June 23, 2015, 10:34:38 PM ---Honestly, the way I do it on my server is to have a ranks ladder (user < member < regular < veteran < vip < vip+ < mod < head mod < admin < head admin) with all of those inheriting from the one under them and the default groups (operator = mod, admin = admin) sitting in their place. Then there are 2 groups, manager (myself) and owner (the 2 owners) who inherit from superadmin which can therefore remain untouched and still work fine for the code. i have yet to run into any issues with this configuration and if any of the ULX team members see a potential issue, please post and tell me what it is. This was the simplest way I could think of to have multiple groups with superadmin access yet different teams for displaying on the scoreboard and such.

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This may work in ULX, but only because we override some functions to trick gmod into thinking that those groups are superadmin.
All I was trying to say in the main post is that superadmin should always be the highest group. You can have it called owner, and you can have other groups inherit it, but it should always be the highest.

People run into targeting and permission issues all the time where groups 'above' superadmin don't behave properly.


--- Quote from: MrPresident on June 24, 2015, 03:15:20 PM ---all the time where groups 'above' superadmin don't behave properly.

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Clarification :)
They are likely behaving exactly 100% the way Garry (and perhaps Valve/Source?) intended.
Just not behaving how some players might expect when they read some instruction that tells them to set an 'owner' or other group expecting it to be higher.
superadmin > admin > user
Anything else is just icing on the cake, and the cake is often known to Gmod as a lie.

Ryan Hemmet:
On any server I have made or developed on I have followed this  ;D
On some servers I hop on, I inform them about this thread and give them a brief summary of why they should not have ranks above superadmin. I have got the owner of a few of them to change the ranks around.


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