Setting "!%<group>" really only works if you have one chain of inheritance, but you have at least two that I saw while glancing over your configuration. In particular, you have respected -> trusted -> regular -> user and admin -> trialadmin -> user. In cases like this, you should flip the targeting around and specify what groups they're allowed to target. For example, for veteran I'm assuming you'd want "#respected,#trusted,#regular,#user". Note that I'm using "#" instead of "%" which targets a group individually and ignores inheritance.
I have made the groups inherit in a chain as you said.
I have given 1 group access to
ulx removeuser,
ulx removeuserid,
ulx adduserid and
ulx addusersuperadmin is the highest group in my setup.
The group which has the stated commands can not target me with all other commands.
However, if the person in the lower group uses the commands in console he is able to target me, except for ulx adduser (<-- this one does not ignore can_target)
I dont know why or how this is working for removeuser/id and adduserid but not for adduser.
Please do not tell me "Do not give the command to a person you do not trust". I am sick of hearing that lol
The reason why I am posting this is to improve ULX and point out flaws or bugs, and this is clearly a bug for me because it is nor working like it should.
This is more of a suggestion then questioning how to fix it because you have already told me it can not be fixed