Author Topic: ulx cantarget help  (Read 5210 times)

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Offline DooBiiE

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ulx cantarget help
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:33:35 PM »
these are my groups in ulx
what commands they have is not my issue, currently my admins can target is correct, however i added some new ranks, "regular", "trusted" and "respected" and i think ive set up the can target and inheritance up correctly.
However, my admins cannot target me due to me being "superadmin" yet my "regular", "trusted" and "respected" can target me and any other players.
 just curious what ive done wrong?, ive uninstalled ulx from my server and reinstalled and stil no luck.

Code: [Select]
"can_target" "!%headadmin"

"inherit_from" "jagmin"
"can_target" "!%admin"

"inherit_from" "headadmin"

"can_target" "!%admin"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "!%veteran"

"inherit_from" "trusted"

"can_target" "!%headadmin"
"inherit_from" "admin"
"can_target" "!%regular"

"can_target" "!%jagmin"

"inherit_from" "trialadmin"
"can_target" "!%headadmin"
"inherit_from" "headadmin"
"can_target" "!%trusted"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "!%respected"

"inherit_from" "regular"

Edit by Megiddo: Added code tags

Edit by DooBiiE: thanks totally forgot to do that

« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 03:39:12 PM by DooBiiE »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 03:43:23 PM »
Setting "!%<group>" really only works if you have one chain of inheritance, but you have at least two that I saw while glancing over your configuration. In particular, you have respected -> trusted -> regular -> user and admin -> trialadmin -> user. In cases like this, you should flip the targeting around and specify what groups they're allowed to target. For example, for veteran I'm assuming you'd want "#respected,#trusted,#regular,#user". Note that I'm using "#" instead of "%" which targets a group individually and ignores inheritance.
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Offline DooBiiE

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 02:41:29 PM »
thanks for the help, much appreciated

Offline sabo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 07:55:49 AM »
Setting "!%<group>" really only works if you have one chain of inheritance, but you have at least two that I saw while glancing over your configuration. In particular, you have respected -> trusted -> regular -> user and admin -> trialadmin -> user. In cases like this, you should flip the targeting around and specify what groups they're allowed to target. For example, for veteran I'm assuming you'd want "#respected,#trusted,#regular,#user". Note that I'm using "#" instead of "%" which targets a group individually and ignores inheritance.

I have made the groups inherit in a chain as you said.

I have given 1 group access to ulx removeuser, ulx removeuserid, ulx adduserid and ulx adduser

superadmin is the highest group in my setup.

The group which has the stated commands can not target me with all other commands.

However, if the person in the lower group uses the commands in console he is able to target me, except for ulx adduser (<-- this one does not ignore can_target)

I dont know why or how this is working for removeuser/id and adduserid but not for adduser.

Please do not tell me "Do not give the command to a person you do not trust". I am sick of hearing that lol

The reason why I am posting this is to improve ULX and point out flaws or bugs, and this is clearly a bug for me because it is nor working like it should.

This is more of a suggestion then questioning how to fix it because you have already told me it can not be fixed :o

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 08:21:48 AM »
You're saying they can use ulx adduser to target you, but can't target you with the other commands?
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Offline sabo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2013, 01:16:01 PM »
You're saying they can use ulx adduser to target you, but can't target you with the other commands?

Exactly the opposite :O

And that only through Console.

I do not appear in the list to "removeuser" or "adduser"

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2013, 02:36:49 PM »
You're saying only the console can use "removeuser" on you?

I feel like we have multiple trains of thought here. Can you please restate what's going on as clearly as possible?
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Offline sabo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2013, 07:00:22 AM »
No, the client with his console.

Ill use the group Moderator as example. (this is not true - just an ex.)

Moderator has access to the following commands:


The only groups which can be assigned by Moderators are "VIP" and "Admin"

I am "Superadmin". Superadmin inherits from Admin inherits from Moderator inherits from VIP inherits from User

All groups Can Target: !%<their own group>

Now to a scenario:

Moderator types in chat !menu.
The xgui_menu opens up and displays the Tab "Cmds".
Cmds includes a list of all commands Moderator has access to.

Moderator clicks on slay --> The list of members Moderator can target on the server show up (VIP/User) this excludes me
Moderator clicks on adduser --> same as above
Moderator clicks on adduserid --> can not add my SteamID to VIP but all other people are able to be set to a whitelisted group
Moderator clicks on removeuser --> same as adduser
Moderator clicks on removeuserid --> same as adduserid

So basically Moderator can NOT target me via the xgui_menu.

Now to my problem:

Moderator opens his CLIENT CONSOLE and tries the same things as above:

Moderator types in console "ulx slay sabo" --> can not target user
Moderator types in console "ulx adduser sabo vip" --> can not target user
Moderator types in console "ulx adduserid <MY STEAMID> vip" --> sabo has been set to vip
Moderator types in console "ulx removeuser sabo" --> removed all rights from sabo
Moderator types in console "ulx removeuserid <MY STEAMID>" --> removed all rights from sabo

If I still was not clear enough please let me know on steam, we can try it out on my Server so you see what I mean.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 07:32:11 AM by sabo »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 10:31:39 AM »
Okay, I understand now. This behavior was more or less intended; adduserid is not something that was meant to be given to users you could not trust to manage your server. Adduser, on the other hand, can take context into account since the user being targeted is authenticated.

In short, sorry, but that behavior is here to stay.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 01:46:50 PM »
adduserid is not something that was meant to be given to users you could not trust to manage your server
Please do not tell me "Do not give the command to a person you do not trust". I am sick of hearing that lol

Translation -
Do not give the command to a person you do not trust.

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Offline sabo

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Re: ulx cantarget help
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2013, 02:33:35 PM »
Translation -
Do not give the command to a person you do not trust.


lol dick xD

Yea okay, I got it.

Thanks ^^ :) Sorry for late responses just came back from vacation :)