think this is a bug, or at least some elusive quirk that I can't seem to track down... It seems that some days a ulx log file never gets created, even when there was activity that day. As you can see here (it is a Linux server):

My suspicion is that it has something to do with when the clock ticks over past midnight and it's supposed to create a new file but doesn't for whatever reason, and the missing days are from when the server was up for over a day without crashing or restarting (amazing right?). It's about 3am now and someone prop spammed my server so I checked to see who it was and there was no log, restarted the server and the 07-19-13 file was created normally.
So if one of the devs could look into this that'd be cool... as with any intermittent bug like this it will probably be a pain to track down so if there is anything I can do to help figure it out lemme know.