Author Topic: PUDS v0.2.7 - PayPal-ULX Donation System  (Read 348415 times)

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Offline duncandelano

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #75 on: January 10, 2014, 10:50:25 AM »
Hey man love this,

Only i have one problem, the install script sends me back to your website and when i do the config manually it hust shows the text on top of the install.php

So i hope someone can help


EDIT: This has all been fixed, the only problem now is that is doesnt send the steam ID to the rcon?
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 03:24:51 AM by duncandelano »

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #76 on: January 11, 2014, 06:46:27 AM »
Hey i love the work you do with the addon.

But the addon doesn't seem to work for me.  :'(
I've entered the SteamAPI for my server into the install.php and i went through the entire install.php installation.
But then when it asked me to log in for a second time and i did, everything i entered was gone, and loading the config file did nothing.
Also the Config.php doesn't generate anything when i first log in.

make sure config.php has the permissions 644 at least.
Did you log in, fill in your details then click save? The config should be generated then.

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2014, 06:49:31 AM »
Hey man love this,

Only i have one problem, the install script sends me back to your website and when i do the config manually it hust shows the text on top of the install.php

So i hope someone can help


EDIT: This has all been fixed, the only problem now is that is doesnt send the steam ID to the rcon?

I will need to investigate it sending the steamID to the rcon, does it not show it being sent in the log/puds.log file?

Could anyone else confirm?

Offline 3PlayingGames

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #78 on: January 11, 2014, 10:47:50 AM »
Hello, I followed your tutorial given in the post and ended up with alot of errors on the index.php
Then I noticed there was a install.php which gives this error:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$admin' (T_VARIABLE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /home/tttmadne/public_html/donate/install.php on line 1"

If you need any other error messages/things I have them.

Thanks, -Nick

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #79 on: January 11, 2014, 05:42:04 PM »
Hello, I followed your tutorial given in the post and ended up with alot of errors on the index.php
Then I noticed there was a install.php which gives this error:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$admin' (T_VARIABLE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /home/tttmadne/public_html/donate/install.php on line 1"

If you need any other error messages/things I have them.

Thanks, -Nick

Apologies Nick, I'm aware of these problems, I will make another commit tonight to fix them.

Offline atomic-cruncher

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #80 on: January 12, 2014, 04:01:00 AM »
This seem's not to work for me good. I entered steam api key, logged in and it say's i'm not admin or something eventhough i see my avatar and the api key that is generated by the logged in account

Offline atomic-cruncher

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #81 on: January 12, 2014, 05:12:00 AM »
edit: got it working now, even though i can't make multiple rankings, just put them all together in 1, even though i use a comma seperate
and what is rank command? just like: donator or ulx adduser donator?

Offline TheSabreSlicer

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #82 on: January 12, 2014, 09:17:44 AM »
Yes, for some reason I can't login as admin as well. I changed the URL in install.php to my website where PUDS is installed, and I put my steamid in the admin.php, but it says I am not admin. I also tried putting my username there, that didn't work either. I will try more options and post them here.

Offline TheSabreSlicer

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #83 on: January 13, 2014, 09:41:25 AM »
I have another problem now, after I manually setup the config instead of using isntall.php. I can login via Steam, but it doesn't fill out the forms on completion. When I click donate, it also just displays a blank SteamID and Name on the paypal site under options.

Offline benjanmin112

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #84 on: January 13, 2014, 10:34:15 AM »
I got the same problem as TheSabreSlicer and here is a link to prove to to my website:

Offline TheSabreSlicer

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #85 on: January 13, 2014, 12:15:45 PM »
I presume you are talking about the forms not filling out, correct?

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #86 on: January 13, 2014, 12:29:40 PM »
I apologise guys, my knowledge of php is limited, I'm still learning. There is a issue with how the web based config interprets the ranks/commands/prices and I'm trying to fix it.

I have implemented sessions so you can actually log in/ log out and it wont make you sign in again whenever you click save/load for the config.

I'm sorry about the quality of PUDS right now, I come home from work and try to fix things people have e-mailed me then end up breaking stuff because I don't have proper time to test. So this time please be patient as I'm working through all the issues. I will get a stable working version up as soon as I can. Then I will go from there.

Fixed the issue where the donation choices on the donation page were being put on the one line.

Edit 2**
Setting up a local garrysmod server so I can test this properly. Config writing and the donation page is working. Testing the donation page on PayPals sandbox now, won't get far as I dont have a gmod server to rcon to, however I will be able to see if its posting the ipn.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 02:05:30 PM by Wully616 »

Offline TheSabreSlicer

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #87 on: January 13, 2014, 02:41:58 PM »
Do you mind posting a list of the current issues being worked on?

I have a friend who is knowledgable in php, we were trying to fix some of the problems I mentioned earlier.

Also, what does exactly go into admin.php?

Offline Wully616

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #88 on: January 13, 2014, 03:10:15 PM »
Do you mind posting a list of the current issues being worked on?

I have a friend who is knowledgable in php, we were trying to fix some of the problems I mentioned earlier.

Also, what does exactly go into admin.php?

Tonight i've fixed the majority of the install.php and implemented a proper login/logout system.
There was some issues with how the install script grabbed the form data and saved it to the config and then allowed it to be displayed within the form again for editing. But this appears to be fixed now.

The only other major issue is the e-mail messages cant accept variables within the form, such as $rank/$steamid/$fee, i'll need to just code a parser so it can replace specific strings such as buyer_steamid with the variables when the payment is processed.

Other than that i'm just testing the logging of the process, two logs will be created in /log/ puds.log and ipn.log.
I will need to make the logging a bit more verbose so things can be interpreted easier.

Then i'll need to test the script is still correctly connecting to rcon and adding the user etc - I haven't edited any of that part of the script, so it shouldn't be broke :P. Just the config stuff I've been messing up haha.

I'll upload a commit to a dev branch in a little while and post the link here, you guys can let me know if it is working any better.

Offline TheSabreSlicer

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Re: PUDS v0.2.6 - PayPal-ULX Donation System
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2014, 03:25:16 PM »
Tonight i've fixed the majority of the install.php and implemented a proper login/logout system.
There was some issues with how the install script grabbed the form data and saved it to the config and then allowed it to be displayed within the form again for editing. But this appears to be fixed now.

The only other major issue is the e-mail messages cant accept variables within the form, such as $rank/$steamid/$fee, i'll need to just code a parser so it can replace specific strings such as buyer_steamid with the variables when the payment is processed.

Other than that i'm just testing the logging of the process, two logs will be created in /log/ puds.log and ipn.log.
I will need to make the logging a bit more verbose so things can be interpreted easier.

Then i'll need to test the script is still correctly connecting to rcon and adding the user etc - I haven't edited any of that part of the script, so it shouldn't be broke :P. Just the config stuff I've been messing up haha.

I'll upload a commit to a dev branch in a little while and post the link here, you guys can let me know if it is working any better.

What about admin.php? I haven't been able to get it to work as of now. I have tried putting my steam username, Steam64 ID, and normal Steam ID; none have worked and I still get the "not logged in as admin" error. Also have you confirmed that there is a problem getting Steam details when logging in? As mentioned above, I can login with Steam, and it grabs my info, but it is not inserted into the SteamID and Name text boxes, nor does it appear in PayPal.

Also, on a more "casual" note, I think the image you are using for the PayPal button is corrupted. It gets weird towards the bottom. You can see it on GitHub, so it's not a problem with my individual button.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 03:27:10 PM by TheSabreSlicer »