Nevermind - Figured it out. For some reason ulx updated so much when I was doing the command but then it stopped updating. I added myself to superadmin again(It showed my name twice in the superadmin list) I then added myself to admin and the command was gone even though the access is for all.
All seems to be sorted now though.Hey, I've got this command that opens the KOS areas of maps when you type !donate but I'd like it to show up in ULX like the motd and thetime does.

I'd appreciate the help, thank you

I will be adding it to its own tab in ulx soon too. I will also be adding multiple ones for other things.
local CATEGORY_NAME = "Chat"
function ulx.kos ( pl, text, teamonly )
pl:SendLua([[gui.OpenURL("")]]) -- Change ADDRESS to your chosen page.
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:ChatPrint( pl:Nick() .. " is checking out the KOS areas" )
local kos = ulx.command( CATEGORY_NAME, "ulx kos", ulx.kos, "!kos" )
kos:defaultAccess( ULib.ACCESS_ALL )
kos:help( "Shows you the KOS areas!" )
It's in the setting for chat -

But not the command list -