I think I've finally found some time to be able to come back and offer up some more contributions to Ulysses.
It's been a while, but I'm sure it won't take too much to hop back in and give the community something new.
This project... is going to be a web front end for XGUI. There's a lot in there! (Stickly...

The design is simply going to be the same as the GUI in GMOD, but a little more refined.
It's going to be a hosted solution with steam and/or rcon authentication. (not sure which one yet. Don't really want the steam credentials though)
I'm going to try and implement every feature of XGUI, this means a few extra hooks in the core since everything will have to be rcon.
There are some road blocks, like transferring map thumbnails and auto complete functions.
Of course standard RCON functions will be available.
I would really like to add some way of view a players screen. (even if it's 1-2 frames per second.)
But, before tackling the project, I thought I'd through the idea up here and see if you guys have any insight or potential pitfalls.
As a plus, this service would be able to monitor and alert of down times and other things.
I want to hook all ULib logs and be able to alert on specified events.
What do you guys think?