Holy ****! After hours of researching it works!!! Thanks! 
Please try to keep your posts family orientated. Thanks
(Surprised JamminR didn't catch that yet, he is usually quite good with dat stuff)
Will it reset my permissions and stuff?
Yes it will. Everything will be removed and you must restart the server for this to take effect.
Though, your issue most likely caused because you edited the groups.txt file in the ulib data yourself with a text editor. Though if you did not, and ulx did that to itself, then there are ways to keep some of your stuff if you wish to. As long as you're smart about it, you can save some of your groups, with copy and paste in a text editor... Ect, ect, ect.
This was my server console's output when I did it.
My Console:ulx resettodefaults
Are you SURE about this? It will remove ulx-created temporary bans, configs, groups, EVERYTHING!
If you're sure, type "ulx resettodefaults FORCE"
ulx resettodefaults FORCE
Please change levels to finish the reset
(Console) reset all ULX and ULib configuration
ServerLog: [ULX] (Console) reset all ULX and ULib configuration