Author Topic: Advanced Join and Leave (Supporting Sounds, Messages, GeoIP, Multi Coloring!)  (Read 38099 times)

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Offline allofmywutsteam

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1. Does it need to be in the 'sound' or 'sounds' folder? You switched it up right there for a second. I'm going to assume 'sound' since that's whats started in the config

2. I have my sound 'pop.mp3' in the playsound config, I have the file in addons/advjoinleave/sound/advjl/pop.mp3, and I even synced my FTP to ensure its hosted. But the sound doesn't play. All other text-based changes showed up immediately, but would this one require a reboot?

The sound in question:
Config in question:

Think I just needed to reboot because I heard it last night. Great addon!

Trying a new sound.

1. Added to server and synced to webserver
2. added file name "batman.mp3" to file
3. rebooted server using !restart command with timer

Do I need to reboot directly from console to ensure it works immediately? The pop.mp3 audio plays. Not sure why the inconsistency.

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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Offline allofmywutsteam

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Any assistance?
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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Offline Caustic Soda-Senpai

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is it FastDL'd and give an AddResource() in lua/autorun ?
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Offline allofmywutsteam

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is it FastDL'd and give an AddResource() in lua/autorun ?

Is the Audio file FastDL'd? Nope. The audio randomly started working thougfh,. After two days. And it's not downloaded. Neither is the pop sound, but everyone can hear that
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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Offline heavyblood

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Is i t possible to rename countries that join? For instance America -> USA

Offline Fanney

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I updated this addon a while ago, mainly to fix my crappy English.
But I also refactored the config and added some things as some peoples are using it.

- Refactored a bit (code looks less ugly now)
- Added multi-group support
- Added message receivers (a list of groups which should receive the join message useful for admin only messages)
- Added a way to mute sounds/msgs on map change to avoid spam.

Offline allofmywutsteam

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My OP:

ULib v..263
ULX v..373

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: TTT

I installed Advanced Join and Leave (Supporting Sounds, Messages, GeoIP, Multi Coloring!, but I want to remove this default (green) loading text. I'm not sure where in the settings (addon or server side) that it needs to be removed.

The text shows when a user CONNECTS to the server (seen in console) rather than joins the server (as intended by the addon).

Replying to my own thread that's locked.

You already asked in the proper release thread.
Please do not double post.
Additionally, This forum section is intended for Team Ulysses project help/discussion only.
That release was by a community member.

If the original author or anyone stopping by that release knows the answer, perhaps they will help.

EDIT - The original release has example showing - it's in the template config file.
Use hex color codes. Or presume set leave/join to "".
Original topic -,7367.15.html
Github file (but you'd edit locally) -

Jammin - I was warned about the old-ness of this thread and whether or not it's worth reviving, so I wasn't sure if I should create a new thread. Regarding this addon, I'm nto sure you understood what I was referring to.

I currently have 2 join messages going on. 1 from the addon (the text that says [Bye]), but then there's the other text that it is in green - which does not come from the addon. So I wasn't sure if my problem was specific to this addon since that green join text was happening even when I deleted this addon. So I would get the join message coming from console (before the player is actually in the server - shown in green) and then when they're in the server, I get a second join message from the addon (which is the one I wish to keep).

Leaving the join/leave fields blank in the addon (1) won't offer the join/leave message I want, and (2) won't remove the join message I don't want. I'm thinking it has to do with a default ttt setting, but I'm not sure where to find the setting, so I was hoping someone else may have some insight.

Edit: Also, sorry for posting in the wrong section. I'll await a response here (hopefully).
Edit: here's a better example. Green text applies when they first connect to server, and then grey text shows when theyre physically in the server.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 11:22:20 AM by allofmywutsteam »
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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Offline JamminR

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I'm pretty sure that first text is standard Gmod/Source server, not an addon.
You might be able to prevent it by returning "" with GM:PlayerConnect

The 'hi' is likely the addon.
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Offline allofmywutsteam

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I'm pretty sure that first text is standard Gmod/Source server, not an addon.
You might be able to prevent it by returning "" with GM:PlayerConnect

The 'hi' is likely the addon.

Yes, the 'hi' is the addon, and the green text is not the addon. I just wasn't sure how to stop the green text from happening. I will give the playerconnect, but would you mind pointing me towards where I should be adding this? Thank you!
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'" - Matthew 16:24

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