Author Topic: My ulx permissions aren't working.  (Read 3898 times)

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Offline TheGamingJew

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My ulx permissions aren't working.
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:37:15 PM »
Hello, I know that you are probably very busy people. But I was wondering if anyone could look at my groups.txt and see if they are correct and could work. I have done it before and they worked fine, but when I tried uploading these, they didn't work. So when you can, could you please check them and make sure that all the groups can inherit and effect each other correctly? Thank you very much.

Ranks with default ranks
Code: [Select]
"ulx addgroup"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx removeuserid"
"ulx renamegroup"
"ulx setgroupcantarget"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userallowid"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx userdenyid"
"ulx usermanagementhelp"
"inherit_from" "Emperor"
"ulx bot"
"ulx cancelcmd"
"ulx cleardecals"
"ulx deaths"
"ulx fbring"
"ulx frags"
"ulx friends"
"ulx fteleport"
"ulx give"
"ulx giveammo"
"ulx jumppower"
"ulx karma"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx sban"
"ulx scale"
"ulx send"
"ulx setammo"
"ulx setwarp"
"ulx sgive"
"ulx shock"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx strip"
"ulx trail"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx usermanagementhelp"
"ulx warp"
"inherit_from" "superadmin"
// "can_target" "!%Oracle"
"Fist of the Empire"
"ulx administrate"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx crash"
"ulx credits"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx hide"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx karma"
"ulx maprestart"
"ulx maul"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx resetmap"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx scrash"
"ulx seesasay"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx timescale"
"ulx unadministrate"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"inherit_from" "admin"
"can_target" "!%superadmin"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx credits"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx friends"
"ulx give"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx karma"
"ulx maul"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"ulx unragdoll"
"inherit_from" "admin"
"can_target" "!%admin"
"ulx banid"
"ulx friends"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx unragdoll"
"inherit_from" "admin"
"can_target" "!%admin"
"ulx autoslay"
"ulx bancheck"
"ulx donate"
"ulx friends"
"ulx fspec"
"ulx gag"
"ulx kick"
"ulx motd"
"ulx mute"
"ulx psay"
"ulx rslaynr"
"ulx seeasay"
"ulx slap"
"ulx slay"
"ulx slaynr"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx unspec"
"ulx unwatch"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx watch"
"ulx watchlist"
"ulx who"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "!%admin"
"inherit_from" "Separatist"
"can_target" "user"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "user"


"ulx addgroup"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx administrate"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx cexec"
"ulx convar"
"ulx crash"
"ulx credits"
"ulx deaths"
"ulx ent"
"ulx exec"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx frags"
"ulx getcommandtable"
"ulx gethooktable"
"ulx giveammo"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"
"ulx hiddenecho"
"ulx hide"
"ulx hook"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx jumppower"
"ulx logchat"
"ulx logdir"
"ulx logecho"
"ulx logechocolorconsole"
"ulx logechocolordefault"
"ulx logechocoloreveryone"
"ulx logechocolormisc"
"ulx logechocolorplayer"
"ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup"
"ulx logechocolors"
"ulx logechocolorself"
"ulx logevents"
"ulx logfile"
"ulx logjoinleaveecho"
"ulx logspawns"
"ulx logspawnsecho"
"ulx luarun"
"ulx maprestart"
"ulx maul"
"ulx printhooks"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx rcon"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx removehook"
"ulx removehookcl"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx removeuserid"
"ulx renamegroup"
"ulx resetmap"
"ulx resettimescale"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx runscript"
"ulx runscriptcl"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx scale"
"ulx sconvar"
"ulx scrash"
"ulx seesasay"
"ulx sendlua"
"ulx setammo"
"ulx setgroupcantarget"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx srunscript"
"ulx srunscriptcl"
"ulx ssendlua"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx strip"
"ulx surl"
"ulx timescale"
"ulx trail"
"ulx unadministrate"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx url"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userallowid"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx userdenyid"
"ulx voteecho"
"inherit_from" "admin"
"can_target" "!%superadmin"
"ulx armor"
"ulx autoslay"
"ulx ban"
"ulx bancheck"
"ulx blind"
"ulx bring"
"ulx chattime"
"ulx cloak"
"ulx color"
"ulx csay"
"ulx csaycolor"
"ulx dban"
"ulx enter"
"ulx exit"
"ulx explode"
"ulx forcerespawn"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx fspec"
"ulx gag"
"ulx gimp"
"ulx god"
"ulx goto"
"ulx hp"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx impairnr"
"ulx jail"
"ulx jailtp"
"ulx kick"
"ulx kickafternamechanges"
"ulx kickafternamechangescooldown"
"ulx kickafternamechangeswarning"
"ulx kickbots"
"ulx launch"
"ulx map"
"ulx material"
"ulx model"
"ulx multiban"
"ulx mute"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx notepad"
"ulx notifications"
"ulx pgag"
"ulx physgunplayer"
"ulx playsound"
"ulx printpgags"
"ulx removeragdolls"
"ulx removetrail"
"ulx reservedslots"
"ulx resetcolor"
"ulx resetmaterial"
"ulx rslaynr"
"ulx rslots"
"ulx rslotsmode"
"ulx rslotsvisible"
"ulx seeanonymousechoes"
"ulx seerdmmanager"
"ulx serverinfo"
"ulx showmotd"
"ulx slap"
"ulx slay"
"ulx slaynr"
"ulx spawnecho"
"ulx spectate"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx timedcmd"
"ulx tsay"
"ulx tsaycolor"
"ulx unban"
"ulx unblind"
"ulx uncloak"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx ungimp"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx unigniteall"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx unpgag"
"ulx unspec"
"ulx unvotegag"
"ulx unvotemute"
"ulx unwatch"
"ulx veto"
"ulx vote"
"ulx voteban"
"ulx votebanminvotes"
"ulx votebansuccessratio"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votefsminvotes"
"ulx votefssuccessratio"
"ulx votegagminvotes"
"ulx votegagsuccessratio"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx votekickminvotes"
"ulx votekicksuccessratio"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votemap2minvotes"
"ulx votemap2successratio"
"ulx votemapenabled"
"ulx votemapmapmode"
"ulx votemapmintime"
"ulx votemapminvotes"
"ulx votemapsuccessratio"
"ulx votemapvetotime"
"ulx votemapwaittime"
"ulx votemuteminvotes"
"ulx votemutesuccessratio"
"ulx voteslaynrminvotes"
"ulx voteslaynrsuccessratio"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx watch"
"ulx watchlist"
"ulx welcomemessage"
"ulx whip"
"inherit_from" "operator"
"can_target" "!%admin"
"ulx seeasay"
"inherit_from" "user"
"ulx asay"
"ulx donate"
"ulx help"
"ulx motd"
"ulx profile"
"ulx psay"
"ulx stopsound"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx thirdperson"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votegag"
"ulx votemap"
"ulx votemute"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx who"

Ranks without default ranks
Code: [Select]
"inherit_from" "Emperor"
"ulx bot"
"ulx cancelcmd"
"ulx cleardecals"
"ulx deaths"
"ulx fbring"
"ulx frags"
"ulx friends"
"ulx fteleport"
"ulx give"
"ulx giveammo"
"ulx jumppower"
"ulx karma"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx sban"
"ulx scale"
"ulx send"
"ulx setammo"
"ulx setwarp"
"ulx sgive"
"ulx shock"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx strip"
"ulx trail"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx usermanagementhelp"
"ulx warp"
"ulx addgroup"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx administrate"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx cexec"
"ulx convar"
"ulx crash"
"ulx credits"
"ulx deaths"
"ulx ent"
"ulx exec"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx frags"
"ulx getcommandtable"
"ulx gethooktable"
"ulx giveammo"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"
"ulx hiddenecho"
"ulx hide"
"ulx hook"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx jumppower"
"ulx logchat"
"ulx logdir"
"ulx logecho"
"ulx logechocolorconsole"
"ulx logechocolordefault"
"ulx logechocoloreveryone"
"ulx logechocolormisc"
"ulx logechocolorplayer"
"ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup"
"ulx logechocolors"
"ulx logechocolorself"
"ulx logevents"
"ulx logfile"
"ulx logjoinleaveecho"
"ulx logspawns"
"ulx logspawnsecho"
"ulx luarun"
"ulx maprestart"
"ulx maul"
"ulx printhooks"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx rcon"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx removehook"
"ulx removehookcl"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx removeuserid"
"ulx renamegroup"
"ulx resetmap"
"ulx resettimescale"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx runscript"
"ulx runscriptcl"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx scale"
"ulx sconvar"
"ulx scrash"
"ulx seesasay"
"ulx sendlua"
"ulx setammo"
"ulx setgroupcantarget"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx srunscript"
"ulx srunscriptcl"
"ulx ssendlua"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx strip"
"ulx surl"
"ulx timescale"
"ulx trail"
"ulx unadministrate"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx url"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userallowid"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx userdenyid"
"ulx voteecho"
"inherit_from" "Fist_of_the_Empire"
"ulx administrate"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx crash"
"ulx credits"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx hide"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx karma"
"ulx maprestart"
"ulx maul"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx resetmap"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx scrash"
"ulx seesasay"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx timescale"
"ulx unadministrate"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"inherit_from" "Executioner"
"can_target" "!%Emperor"
"ulx banid"
"ulx banip"
"ulx credits"
"ulx fakeban"
"ulx force"
"ulx forcenr"
"ulx friends"
"ulx give"
"ulx gravity"
"ulx identify"
"ulx ip"
"ulx karma"
"ulx maul"
"ulx removebody"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx roundrestart"
"ulx sasay"
"ulx sforce"
"ulx shock"
"ulx silent credits"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx speed"
"ulx speed"
"ulx srespawn"
"ulx srespawntp"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx unbanip"
"ulx unidentify"
"ulx unragdoll"
"inherit_from" "Lord"
"can_target" "!%Fist_of_the_Empire"
"ulx banid"
"ulx friends"
"ulx respawn"
"ulx respawntp"
"ulx soundlist"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx armor"
"ulx autoslay"
"ulx ban"
"ulx bancheck"
"ulx blind"
"ulx bring"
"ulx chattime"
"ulx cloak"
"ulx color"
"ulx csay"
"ulx csaycolor"
"ulx dban"
"ulx enter"
"ulx exit"
"ulx explode"
"ulx forcerespawn"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx fspec"
"ulx gag"
"ulx gimp"
"ulx god"
"ulx goto"
"ulx hp"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx impairnr"
"ulx jail"
"ulx jailtp"
"ulx kick"
"ulx kickafternamechanges"
"ulx kickafternamechangescooldown"
"ulx kickafternamechangeswarning"
"ulx kickbots"
"ulx launch"
"ulx map"
"ulx material"
"ulx model"
"ulx multiban"
"ulx mute"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx notepad"
"ulx notifications"
"ulx pgag"
"ulx physgunplayer"
"ulx playsound"
"ulx printpgags"
"ulx removeragdolls"
"ulx removetrail"
"ulx reservedslots"
"ulx resetcolor"
"ulx resetmaterial"
"ulx rslaynr"
"ulx rslots"
"ulx rslotsmode"
"ulx rslotsvisible"
"ulx seeanonymousechoes"
"ulx seerdmmanager"
"ulx serverinfo"
"ulx showmotd"
"ulx slap"
"ulx slay"
"ulx slaynr"
"ulx spawnecho"
"ulx spectate"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx timedcmd"
"ulx tsay"
"ulx tsaycolor"
"ulx unban"
"ulx unblind"
"ulx uncloak"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx ungimp"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx unigniteall"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx unpgag"
"ulx unspec"
"ulx unvotegag"
"ulx unvotemute"
"ulx unwatch"
"ulx veto"
"ulx vote"
"ulx voteban"
"ulx votebanminvotes"
"ulx votebansuccessratio"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votefsminvotes"
"ulx votefssuccessratio"
"ulx votegagminvotes"
"ulx votegagsuccessratio"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx votekickminvotes"
"ulx votekicksuccessratio"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votemap2minvotes"
"ulx votemap2successratio"
"ulx votemapenabled"
"ulx votemapmapmode"
"ulx votemapmintime"
"ulx votemapminvotes"
"ulx votemapsuccessratio"
"ulx votemapvetotime"
"ulx votemapwaittime"
"ulx votemuteminvotes"
"ulx votemutesuccessratio"
"ulx voteslaynrminvotes"
"ulx voteslaynrsuccessratio"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx watch"
"ulx watchlist"
"ulx welcomemessage"
"ulx whip"
"inherit_from" "Acolyte"
"can_target" "!%Executioner"
"ulx autoslay"
"ulx bancheck"
"ulx donate"
"ulx friends"
"ulx fspec"
"ulx gag"
"ulx kick"
"ulx motd"
"ulx mute"
"ulx psay"
"ulx rslaynr"
"ulx seeasay"
"ulx slap"
"ulx slay"
"ulx slaynr"
"ulx stopsounds"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx unspec"
"ulx unwatch"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx watch"
"ulx watchlist"
"ulx who"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "!%Lord"
"inherit_from" "Separatist"
"can_target" "user"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "user"
"ulx asay"
"ulx donate"
"ulx help"
"ulx motd"
"ulx profile"
"ulx psay"
"ulx stopsound"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx thirdperson"
"ulx votefs"
"ulx votegag"
"ulx votemap"
"ulx votemute"
"ulx votesnr"
"ulx who"

Oh and is there a way to make a nickname ingame for ranks, like for example:

Code: [Select]
        "nickname"   "Special Rank"
"inherit_from" "user"
"can_target" "user"

Offline JamminR

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Re: My ulx permissions aren't working.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 08:00:14 PM »
I suggest you don't edit your group files manually. Ever. Again. Until you have 1+ years of solid experience in understanding how groups and ULib works in relation to them.
Though you may think you realize what you are doing, you don't as you're breaking the files.
You've added characters to the file that will corrupt the file during read by ULib.
I'd be surprised if you are not getting errors in server console during startup.

General tips to start out, THEN grow your knowledge and custom groups from BEGINNING/EASY growth to more advanced topics.
1) superadmin is the highest group gmod recognizes.
2) You've broken your groups, recommend resetting them.
3) Once reset, here is how you add yourself as superadmin so the Gmod server, ULib, ULX, and every other common script written for gmod sees  you as highest access.
4) If 2 and 3 don't fix you, you must have edited the addons folder files that we actually have printed at the top NOT TO. See how to uninstall ULib and ULX, then, re-intall, then start at step 3 again.
5) Use XGUI to create groups you want. Not file editing. For inheritance/control there-of, see our FAQ "How exactly does can_target work?", which also includes very basic inheritance.
The original file snippet you showed was duplicating commands within groups that inherited those same commands from another group. There's no need for that, if they're inheriting a lower group that already has it.
6) If after all that you still have trouble, see Having trouble with access?

As for nicknames, no, not really. If you have a Sandbox server, you can enable the UTeam function, which lets you rename teams. Those are different than groups though.
And again, only for Sandbox, as every other gamemode has it's own team format.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Bytewave

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Re: My ulx permissions aren't working.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 10:22:42 PM »
I suggest you don't edit your group files manually. Ever. Again. Until you have 1+ years of solid experience in understanding how groups and ULib works in relation to them.
Though you may think you realize what you are doing, you don't as you're breaking the files.
You've added characters to the file that will corrupt the file during read by ULib.
I'd be surprised if you are not getting errors in server console during startup.

General tips to start out, THEN grow your knowledge and custom groups from BEGINNING/EASY growth to more advanced topics.
1) superadmin is the highest group gmod recognizes.
2) You've broken your groups, recommend resetting them.
3) Once reset, here is how you add yourself as superadmin so the Gmod server, ULib, ULX, and every other common script written for gmod sees  you as highest access.
4) If 2 and 3 don't fix you, you must have edited the addons folder files that we actually have printed at the top NOT TO. See how to uninstall ULib and ULX, then, re-intall, then start at step 3 again.
5) Use XGUI to create groups you want. Not file editing. For inheritance/control there-of, see our FAQ "How exactly does can_target work?", which also includes very basic inheritance.
The original file snippet you showed was duplicating commands within groups that inherited those same commands from another group. There's no need for that, if they're inheriting a lower group that already has it.
6) If after all that you still have trouble, see Having trouble with access?

As for nicknames, no, not really. If you have a Sandbox server, you can enable the UTeam function, which lets you rename teams. Those are different than groups though.
And again, only for Sandbox, as every other gamemode has it's own team format.
To add to this, capital letters in group names does not work (last I checked). Jam, if this is fixed I'm sowwy.
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

Offline Caustic Soda-Senpai

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Re: My ulx permissions aren't working.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 11:49:52 PM »
To add to this, capital letters in group names does not work (last I checked). Jam, if this is fixed I'm sowwy.

It was to my understanding that neither capitals OR spaces worked.
Once you get to know me, you'll find you'll have never met me at all.

Offline Bytewave

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Re: My ulx permissions aren't working.
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 06:39:30 AM »
It was to my understanding that neither capitals OR spaces worked.
Ah, yes. Forgot about that as well.
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

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Re: My ulx permissions aren't working.
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 08:22:39 PM »
Against my better judgement, ULib now allows for mixed case groups.
I'm still totally against it, but was out-voted. (Hey, we're a team, doesn't mean we always agree, we just get along!)

Besides, this person has much more worse things to worry about at this time.
His files are mangled. Upper case or not, they're broken.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming