Searching our forums for text such as greyed out, blank, or empty, comes up with several exploit descriptions regarding a few scripts from workshop and copies of other 'good' scripts but from the wrong download site.
But first, before going there;
Don't use our 'release' code zip from downloads page at Using the link at the top of our page, get our code from Github. XGUI should be in version 14.x.x.
One shown is old, and likely from our almost 2 year old 'release'. (we're SLOWLY working towards new release, but for now, Github is best bet)
Second, have you added yourself (or the server host themself) to the superadmin group following instructions in our ulx_readme.txt, and our forum FAQs section?
Third, if darkrp, disable Fadmin, and get rid of 'owner' groups. See the Sticky post in our Off-topic section as to why owner is dumb.
Fourth: if that HUD is displaying true group name, lua, and gmod groups, are case sensitive. Super Admin is NOT the same as "superadmin", and ULib (ULX group control library, among other things) allows for custom groups that gmod would have no idea about, but still look like superadmin (ie, Superadmin, Super Admin, SuperAdmin, all of which aren't the same as Gmod superadmin)