Author Topic: UccTV -- Watch all your players at once -- The ultimate server surveillance!  (Read 41495 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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UccTV is client side. This means you install it on your client, not on your server!

UccTV lets you spectate all your players on your server simultaneously. It splits your screen up into however many views you want and you get a real-time monitor of the players!

Here's some screenshots:

Broken into 9 views, note the player HUD on each view.

Broken into 4 views

To install, simply extract the zip to your addons folder, restart your server, and join a server where you have admin privileges. (Yes, you must either be an admin in ULX or be an admin in the default GM10 user file)

Once in game, you can configure all your options under the spawn menu in options->UccTV Settings. Options are:
Enable: Turn on/off
Show HUD: Draw HUDs for all the players (hp, ammo count)
Number of screens (squared): Number of screens on each side to show
Screen offset: Only used when players > number of squares. Locks a player rotation (IE, set what players you're viewing)
Rotation time: Only used when players > number of squares and screen offset == 0, this sets how long UccTV waits before rotating the player screens (Bringing in a new screen, booting an old)

Known bugs:
 * Can't see yourself in another player's view! I know of no way to fix this currently, so don't whine about this!
 * Your "hands" will always be drawn on top of everything else in a player's view if they're looking toward you. Again, I know of no current way to fix this.
 * FPS drop. Obviously, your client is going to be doing a lot more rendering now so this is a natural consequence. I was getting about 9 FPS watching 7 players in freespace06. This sort of frame rate was perfectly acceptable for observing them, but definitely not okay if you want to try DM'ing or building.

Useful command to bind a key to toggle UccTV on and off:
Code: [Select]
BindToggle n cctvOf course, replace 'n' with the key you want to bind.

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Offline maaarten

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wow Megiddo great job.

I'm already using the !spectate command but this is even better.

Offline WildWill

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Really nice one there Meg, I guess I can scratch the admin booth with all the rt screens from my map now... :)

Offline Suicidal.Banana

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Nice job thats really sexy  :D
Oh my, almost 7 years

Offline atomicspark

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Today's Garry's Mod updated fixed ScriptEnforcer. My question is, since UccTV is client side only, how would I add it to userscripts.txt or how would I install it on the server so that "scriptenforcer_output out.txt" would allow it automatically?

Offline Megiddo

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Put it in autorun on the server for the output to get it.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline atomicspark

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Got it thanks! Now just to figure out how to keep ScriptEnforcer to only disable unallowed scripts and not drop people.  ???

Edit: Wire SVN (clientside) was screwing up output to clientscripts.txt. Moral of the story, delete garrysmod folder and have a clean install while running "scriptenforcer_output clientscripts".
« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 01:59:02 AM by atomicspark »

Offline atomicspark

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Bump. This needs updating to work with the Garry's Mod update. We'll see you when you get back from vacation. :)

Offline Chironex

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What atomicspark said,

I will try it for sure once updated, (but i'm affraid about my fps) !

Offline atomicspark

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It works, you just can't change the settings. Four windows is not enough for our big WCA servers.


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I fixed it, the menu system of it got screwed up after the update, I fixed it. So As long as he is ok with it, just tell me if i can upload it and where.


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The link to get it is here, I released it on garrysmod.org because I figured It would benefit players more...I GAVE A LINK to your website and stated as clearly as I could that All credit goes to Ulysses.


Offline Chironex

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Thanks for fixing it :)

Edit: but this doesn't work for me :/

Oh wait, it does, sorry :)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 02:34:45 PM by Kyzer »

Offline JamminR

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 Please make sure 100% you have an authors permission before re-releasing something in a public site such as Garrysmod.org.
Attaching it here would have been the best option. Then perhaps if Megiddo didn't mind, he would have given permission, or posted your fixed code on our site.
I'm not speaking for Megiddo, but as a developer for Team Ulysses, I believe what you did isn't best practice.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


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How can I upload here? I suggested doing it, once you tell me how, I will remove it from Garrysmod.org and Put it here!