You guys have done great with UCCTV, I find it immensely handy to watch over the server. I do have a request though. If possible, could you add something to UCCTV that lets you focus on players? For example Mingebag01 joins the server, and I've been warned this guy likes to cause trouble, so I need to catch him in the act. I type 'cctv_focus "Mingebag01"' and my second UCCTV screen is now focused solely on this player, with my other windows cycling through players as normal. Maybe with cctv_unfocus to set it back to cycling through players again. Multiple focus would be even handier. Another suggestion, although this isn't as important. Maybe a list of SteamIDs you can update in a text in the UCCTV folder of players UCCTV will ignore. So I can set other admins, etc and then I only focus on normal players in the server.
Hope you guys like the suggestions, and I'd love to see them implemented.