Author Topic: UccTV -- Watch all your players at once -- The ultimate server surveillance!  (Read 43958 times)

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Offline Chironex

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I think you need to register to post attachments (not sure). Look near the message box (where you write replies), there is Addtional Options -> Attach

Offline Megiddo

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Press reply and it's under additional options.
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Offline pcwizdan

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Here it is, Sorry For the Garrysmod Upload I will delete that, Hope this helped you guys, even a little bit.

Offline Cornflake

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Hey guys,

This looks like a really helpful addon but there's a couple issues that I seem to be having.

The biggest problem i'm having with UccTV is that The TVs keep switching views to other players constantly, and I am spectating myself in 2 or 3 out of my 4 TVs. I know what I'm doing - I dont want to spectate myself. And if there's no way from stopping it from spectating me, then how do I get it so it only shows me in one viewport and not multiple ones?

I would like like to be able to watch each of my players in a TV section that does not cycle, and I don't want to see myself.

The second bug is text often overlays in itself. Take a look in the attached screenshot.

-Thanks for any help you guys can give me!

Offline JamminR

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Hmm. I'm not sure why you're getting 3x yourself.
Its possible some conflict with another mod is occuring.
That, or this version of UccTV isn't compatible with latest updates of Gmod/ULX/ULib.

Megiddo, can you add any extra info here?
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Offline Megiddo

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It's been working fine for me. Not sure what the problem could be.
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Offline Cornflake

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Well I'm using the "Fixed" version that Pcwizdan uploaded, because on page 1 it was mentioned that the update in august broke it (as in you couldn't change the settings for UccTV anymore).

Also there was something mentioned about a menu, I thought UccTV could only be used with console commands?

Offline JamminR

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Megiddo, i don't use the menu, so don't know if the menu is broken or not, however,
It's fine for me also, but I've been using your non-publicly released 9_5 beta.
You didn't ever update this one did you?

I've never tried pcwizdan's
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Offline MrPresident

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I use PCWizdan's fixed version and last time I checked, it works fine.

Offline blacksythe

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can you post a fixed version as it is no longer available off .org

Offline Megiddo

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Look above you
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You guys have done great with UCCTV, I find it immensely handy to watch over the server. I do have a request though. If possible, could you add something to UCCTV that lets you focus on players? For example Mingebag01 joins the server, and I've been warned this guy likes to cause trouble, so I need to catch him in the act. I type 'cctv_focus "Mingebag01"' and my second UCCTV screen is now focused solely on this player, with my other windows cycling through players as normal. Maybe with cctv_unfocus to set it back to cycling through players again. Multiple focus would be even handier. Another suggestion, although this isn't as important. Maybe a list of SteamIDs you can update in a text in the UCCTV folder of players UCCTV will ignore. So I can set other admins, etc and then I only focus on normal players in the server.

Hope you guys like the suggestions, and I'd love to see them implemented.

Offline anticept

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Got a small error:

includes/modules/controlpanel.lua:27: controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!


Offline Sc00by22

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You guys have done great with UCCTV, I find it immensely handy to watch over the server. I do have a request though. If possible, could you add something to UCCTV that lets you focus on players? For example Mingebag01 joins the server, and I've been warned this guy likes to cause trouble, so I need to catch him in the act. I type 'cctv_focus "Mingebag01"' and my second UCCTV screen is now focused solely on this player, with my other windows cycling through players as normal. Maybe with cctv_unfocus to set it back to cycling through players again. Multiple focus would be even handier. Another suggestion, although this isn't as important. Maybe a list of SteamIDs you can update in a text in the UCCTV folder of players UCCTV will ignore. So I can set other admins, etc and then I only focus on normal players in the server.

Hope you guys like the suggestions, and I'd love to see them implemented.

Yea, I really like this idea, also it works great


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How can i get the fixed version?