Ulysses Stuff > Releases

[TTT] Scoreboard Ranks for ULX - Version 1.2.0

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--- Quote from: Decicus on February 15, 2016, 05:01:30 AM ---Yeah... I already had the idea of doing it for each PlayerSpawn, but then it could potentially be called too often and in worst cases someone might notice lag (even for a split second for each spawn, but still somewhat annoying).
Although, I think implementing a similar hook for the first round after a mapchange using TTTBeginRound might be a possible fix.

--- End quote ---
Good! And I do agree on the point of the annoying lag spikes, but the scoreboard works :)
Still wondering why the problem was here in the first place...

I feel like it must have something to do with you using gamemode.call("CreateScoreboard") or whatever but I am unfamiliar with the function. Also, why must you resend the whole file when something is updated? Why not just send what you are adding. Also, I don't see why refreshscoreboard would make the scoreboard work for the whole map because (unless this is a recently added part but I don't think so) it refreshes the scoreboard for a player on playerinitialspawn, so that might just be too early of a hook, but IDK in like 50% of the addon I have no clue why you are doing something.


--- Quote from: monkeymacman on February 15, 2016, 09:34:36 PM ---I feel like it must have something to do with you using gamemode.call("CreateScoreboard") or whatever but I am unfamiliar with the function.
--- End quote ---

It's possible. I believe I added that as just a quick hack a long time ago when I noticed the scoreboard would bug out if I refreshed the scoreboard.

--- Quote from: monkeymacman on February 15, 2016, 09:34:36 PM ---Also, why must you resend the whole file when something is updated? Why not just send what you are adding. Also, I don't see why refreshscoreboard would make the scoreboard work for the whole map because (unless this is a recently added part but I don't think so) it refreshes the scoreboard for a player on playerinitialspawn, so that might just be too early of a hook, but IDK in like 50% of the addon I have no clue why you are doing something.

--- End quote ---

That is mainly due to poor practices that I decided to do roughly a year ago when I started this. Over time I've realized that it's honestly a pretty bad addon, as it has become more of a hassle to maintain. Personally I don't really have the time or interest in rewriting this from scratch as I don't actually play Garry's Mod or TTT anymore, even if it would probably be easier than trying to maintain it.

PlayerInitialSpawn might be too early of a hook, I agree. I could possibly look into a different hook for this usage, but for, I might just refresh it on the beginning of a round (as well as the PlayerInitialSpawn) to see if that fixes it.

The following seems to work for us, we hardly notice any lag spikes when people join, but maybe another hook would be nice;

--- Code: ---local function TTTSBRanksRefresh( ply )

    if not ULib.fileExists( dir ) then ULib.fileCreateDir( dir ) end
    if ULib.fileRead( dir .. ranks ) then TTTSBRanks = util.JSONToTable( ULib.fileRead( dir .. ranks ) ) end
    if ULib.fileRead( dir .. settings ) then TTTSBSettings = util.JSONToTable( ULib.fileRead( dir .. settings ) ) end
    if ULib.fileRead( dir .. groups ) then TTTSBGroups = util.JSONToTable( ULib.fileRead( dir .. groups ) ) end

    if SERVER then

        net.Start( "ULX_TTTSBRanks" )
        net.WriteTable( TTTSBRanks )
        net.WriteTable( TTTSBSettings )
        net.WriteTable( TTTSBGroups )
        if ply then

            net.Send( ply )





hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "ULXTTTRefresh_PlayerJoin", TTTSBRanksRefresh )
function RefreshStart(ply)
MsgN( ply:Nick() .. " has spawned!" )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawn", "ulxttt_RefreshStart", RefreshStart )
--- End code ---

Updated to version 1.1.1 with a hotfix that GG142 provided.

Sorry it took so long.

Further updates may or may not occur as I have don't have much interested in maintaining this. If you can find a better alternative, then please feel free to use that.
If anyone wishes to continue the work for some odd reason, the source is available on GitHub, but I highly recommend rewriting this from scratch instead of continuing from my old work.


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