Children, I must step in. You were all beaten by almost a month here.,856.0.htmland by several days on our official bug tracker., no one has provided us with many of the questions Spbogie asked above so we can track it down.
We run a server, I'm sure he would have seen it by now if it were reproducable ALL the time.
Does it seem to affect anything else?
Who? = (Server start, or Joining Admins, players, all of the above?)
What? = (Not just the error, but, are there side effects when it happens?)
Where? = (On server start. On player join? Listen server only, dedicated server only, all of the above?)
When? = (Some of the above answers apply, but, also in game, during spawn, during admin command?)
Why? = (You may not know this technically, but, give details as to whats going on, and maybe other mods you think might be conflicting. Does something else stop working when you see this error)
We may seem mean. We're not.
We're just developers who are tired of the "it doesn't work" post and run mentality.
Edit (spbogie): It was me not Megiddo.Edit (JamminR): Sorry Spbogie!.